
TemplateTableParameters class

Provides parameters for the table detection algorithms.

public sealed class TemplateTableParameters


Name Description
TemplateTableParameters(Rectangle, IEnumerable<double>) Initializes a new instance of the TemplateTableParameters class.
TemplateTableParameters(Rectangle, IEnumerable<double>, bool?, int?, int?, int?) Initializes a new instance of the TemplateTableParameters class.


Name Description
HasMergedCells { get; } Gets the value that indicates whether the table has merged cells.
MinColumnCount { get; } Gets the minimum number of the table columns.
MinRowCount { get; } Gets the minimum number of the table rows.
MinVerticalSpace { get; } Gets the minumum space between the table columns.
Rectangle { get; } Gets the rectangular area that contains the table.
VerticalSeparators { get; } Gets the table columns separators.


There are two algorithms to detect a table:

  • Allows to detect a table in the rectangular area with set columns. This algorithm is useful for simple tables (without merged columns) and provides more accurate detection.
  • Allows to detect a table in any place on the page. This is a more complex algorithm. It can detect tables in any place on the page. Additional parameters help to detect a table more correctly.

In some cases when algorithms can’t detect a table or do it in non-accurate way TemplateTableLayout class is used.

See Also