Dimensions structure
Represents the linear dimensions (width and height) of one raster rectangular image in arbitrary unit. Immutable struct.
public struct Dimensions : ICloneable, IEquatable<Dimensions>
Name |
Description |
Dimensions(ushort, ushort) |
Creates a new instance from specified width and height. |
Name |
Description |
static Empty { get; } |
Returns an empty Dimensions instance |
Area { get; } |
Returns an area (Width x Height) |
AspectRatio { get; } |
Aspect ratio of this dimensions as width/height |
Height { get; } |
Returns height of the image. |
IsEmpty { get; } |
Determines whether this “Dimensions” instance is empty and default, i.e. it doesn’t store correct width and height |
IsSquare { get; } |
Determines whether specified ‘Dimensions’ represents square, i.e. if width is equal to height |
Width { get; } |
Returns width of the image |
Name |
Description |
Clone() |
Returns a full copy of this instance |
Equals(Dimensions) |
Determines whether this instance is equal with specified “Dimensions” instance |
override Equals(object) |
Determines whether this instance is equal with specified uncasted object, which presumably is another “Dimensions” instance |
override GetHashCode() |
Returns a hashcode for this instance, which cannot be changed during its lifetime |
ProportionallyResizeForNewHeight(ushort) |
Creates and returns new “Dimensions” instance, which is proportionally resized from current, based on specified height |
ProportionallyResizeForNewWidth(ushort) |
Creates and returns new “Dimensions” instance, which is proportionally resized from current, based on specified width |
override ToString() |
Returns a string representation of this “Dimensions” |
operator == |
Checks whether two “Dimensions” values are equal, i.e. they have equal width and height, or both are empty |
operator != |
Checks whether two “Dimensions” values are not equal, i.e. their corresponding width and/or height are different |
See Also