DiagramLoadOptions |
Represents document loading options for a Visio document. |
DiagramPageWatermarkOptions |
Represents watermark adding options when adding shape watermark to a particular page of a Visio document. |
DiagramPreviewOptions |
Provides options to sets requirements and stream delegates for preview generation of Diagram document. |
DiagramSaveOptions |
Represents document saving options when saving a Visio document. |
DiagramShapeWatermarkOptions |
Represents watermark adding options when adding shape watermark to a Visio document. |
DiagramWatermarkOptions |
Base class for watermark adding options to a Visio document. |
EmailLoadOptions |
Represents the document loading options for an email message. |
EmailPreviewOptions |
Provides options to sets requirements and stream delegates for preview generation of Email document. |
EmailSaveOptions |
Represents the document saving options when saving an email message. |
GifImageLoadOptions |
Represents image loading options for a GIF image. |
GifImageSaveOptions |
Represents image saving options when saving a GIF image. |
GifImageWatermarkOptions |
Represents watermark adding options when adding watermark to a GIF image. |
ImageLoadOptions |
Represents image loading options when loading an image. |
ImageSaveOptions |
Represents image saving options when saving an image. |
LoadOptions |
Represents document loading options when loading a document. |
MultiframeImageLoadOptions |
Represents image loading options when loading a multiframe image. |
MultiframeImageWatermarkOptions |
Represents watermark adding options when adding watermark to a multi-frame image. |
OoxmlLoadOptions |
Represents document loading options for a OOXML document. |
PdfAnnotationWatermarkOptions |
Represents watermark adding options when adding annotation watermark to a pdf document. |
PdfArtifactWatermarkOptions |
Represents watermark adding options when adding artifact watermark to a pdf document. |
PdfLoadOptions |
Represents document loading options for a pdf document. |
PdfPreviewOptions |
Provides options to sets requirements and stream delegates for preview generation of PDF document. |
PdfSaveOptions |
Represents document saving options when saving a pdf document. |
PdfWatermarkOptions |
Base class for watermark adding options to a pdf document. |
PdfXObjectWatermarkOptions |
Represents watermark adding options when adding XObject watermark to a pdf document. |
PresentationImageEffects |
Represents effects that can be applied to an image watermark for a PowerPoint document. |
PresentationLoadOptions |
Represents document loading options for a Presentation document. |
PresentationSaveOptions |
Represents document saving options when saving a Presentation document. |
PresentationTextEffects |
Represents effects that can be applied to a text watermark for a PowerPoint content. |
PresentationWatermarkBaseSlideOptions |
Base class for watermark adding options to a Presentation document. |
PresentationWatermarkLayoutSlideOptions |
Represents options when adding watermark to a Presentation document layout slide. |
PresentationWatermarkMasterHandoutSlideOptions |
Represents options when adding watermark to a Presentation document master handout slide. |
PresentationWatermarkMasterNotesSlideOptions |
Represents options when adding watermark to a Presentation document master notes slide. |
PresentationWatermarkMasterSlideOptions |
Represents options when adding watermark to a Presentation document master slide. |
PresentationWatermarkNoteSlideOptions |
Represents options when adding watermark to a Presentation document note slide. |
PresentationWatermarkOptions |
Base class for watermark adding options to a Presentation document. |
PresentationWatermarkSlideOptions |
Represents options when adding watermark to a Presentation document slide. |
PreviewOptions |
Provides options to sets requirements and stream delegates for preview generation. |
SaveOptions |
Represents document saving options when saving a document. |
SpreadsheetBackgroundWatermarkOptions |
Represents options when adding the watermark as a background to a Spreadsheet worksheet. |
SpreadsheetImageEffects |
Represents effects that can be applied to an image watermark for an Excel document. |
SpreadsheetLoadOptions |
Represents document loading options for a Spreadsheet document. |
SpreadsheetPreviewOptions |
Provides options to sets requirements and stream delegates for preview generation of Spreadsheet document. |
SpreadsheetSaveOptions |
Represents document saving options when saving a Spreadsheet document. |
SpreadsheetShapeSettings |
Represents settings that can be applied to a shape watermark for an Excel document. |
SpreadsheetTextEffects |
Represents effects that can be applied to a text watermark for an Excel document. |
SpreadsheetWatermarkBaseOptions |
Base class for watermark adding options to a Spreadsheet document. |
SpreadsheetWatermarkHeaderFooterOptions |
Represents options when adding the watermark to a Spreadsheet header/footer. |
SpreadsheetWatermarkModernWordArtOptions |
Represents options when adding modern word art watermark to a Spreadsheet worksheet. |
SpreadsheetWatermarkOptions |
Base class for watermark adding options to a Spreadsheet document. |
SpreadsheetWatermarkShapeOptions |
Represents options when adding shape watermark to a Spreadsheet worksheet. |
TiffImageLoadOptions |
Represents image loading options for a TIFF image. |
TiffImageSaveOptions |
Represents image saving options when saving a TIFF image. |
TiffImageWatermarkOptions |
Represents watermark adding options when adding watermark to a TIFF image. |
WatermarkOptions |
Represents watermark adding options when adding watermark to a document. |
WordProcessingFlipOrientation |
Possible values for the orientation of a shape. |
WordProcessingImageEffects |
Represents effects that can be applied to an image watermark for a Word document. |
WordProcessingLoadOptions |
Represents document loading options for a Word document. |
WordProcessingLockType |
Specifies watermark lock type in Word document. |
WordProcessingPreviewOptions |
Provides options to sets requirements and stream delegates for preview generation of WordProcessing document. |
WordProcessingSaveOptions |
Represents document saving options when saving a Word document. |
WordProcessingShapeSettings |
Represents settings that can be applied to a shape watermark for a Word document. |
WordProcessingTextEffects |
Represents effects that can be applied to a text watermark for a Word document. |
WordProcessingWatermarkBaseOptions |
Base class for watermark adding options to a Word document. |
WordProcessingWatermarkHeaderFooterOptions |
Represents options when adding the watermark to a Word section header/footer. |
WordProcessingWatermarkOptions |
Base class for watermark adding options to a Word document. |
WordProcessingWatermarkPagesOptions |
Represents options when adding watermark to Word document pages. |
WordProcessingWatermarkSectionOptions |
Represents options when adding shape watermark to a Word document section. |