

Class Description
AttachmentWatermarkableImage Represents an attached image inside a content of any supported type.
Content Represents a content where a watermark can be placed.
ContentPart Represents any logical part of a content (page, frame, header or a whole content) where watermark can be placed.
DiagramContent Represents a Visio document.
DiagramFormattedTextFragment Represents a fragment of formatted text in a Visio document.
DiagramFormattedTextFragmentCollection Represents a collection of formatted text fragments in a Visio document.
DiagramHeaderFooter Represents a header/footer in a Visio document.
DiagramHeaderFooterFont Represents a font that is used in Visio header/footer.
DiagramHyperlink Represents a hyperlink in a Visio document.
DiagramHyperlinkCollection Represents a collection of hyperlinks in a Visio document.
DiagramPage Represents a Visio document page.
DiagramPageCollection Represents a collection of pages in a Visio document.
DiagramShape Represents a drawing shape in a Visio document.
DiagramShapeCollection Represents a collection of drawing shapes in a Visio document.
DiagramWatermarkPlacementType Specifies to what pages a watermark should be added.
DiagramWatermarkableImage Represents an image inside a Visio document.
EmailAddress Represents an address of an email message.
EmailAddressCollection Represents a collection of addresses in an email message.
EmailAttachment Represents a file attached to an email message.
EmailAttachmentBase Provides a base class for email attachments.
EmailAttachmentCollection Represents a collection of attachments in an email message.
EmailBodyType Represents a content type of an email message body.
EmailContent Represents an email message.
EmailEmbeddedObject Represents an object embedded to an email message body.
EmailEmbeddedObjectCollection Represents a collection of embedded objects in an email message.
GifImageContent Represents a gif image where a watermark can be placed.
ImageContent Represents an image where a watermark can be placed.
ImageFrame Represents an image frame where a watermark can be placed.
ImageFrameCollection Represents a collection of frames in multiframe image.
MultiframeImageContent Represents a multiframe image where a watermark can be placed.
OfficeDashStyle Represents a dashed line style.
OfficeHeaderFooterType Identifies the type of header or footer.
OfficeImageEffects Represents effects that can be applied to an image watermark for an office content.
OfficeImageFillFormat Represents the image fill format settings in any supported office content.
OfficeLineFormat Represents a shape line format.
OfficeLineStyle Represents the compound line style of a [OfficeLineFormat](../com.groupdocs.watermark.contents/officelineformat).
OfficeShapeSettings Represents settings that can be applied to a shape watermark for an office content.
OfficeTextEffects Represents effects that can be applied to a text watermark for an office content.
PdfAnnotation Represents an annotation in a pdf document.
PdfAnnotationCollection Represents a collection of annotations in a pdf document.
PdfAnnotationType Enumeration of annotation types.
PdfArtifact Represents an artifact in a pdf content.
PdfArtifactCollection Represents a collection of artifacts in a pdf content.
PdfArtifactSubtype Enumeration of possible artifacts subtype.
PdfArtifactType Enumeration of possible artifact types.
PdfAttachment Represents a file attached to a pdf content.
PdfAttachmentCollection Represents a collection of attachments in a pdf document.
PdfContent Represents a pdf document where a watermark can be placed.
PdfCryptoAlgorithm Represent type of cryptographic algorithm that used in encryption routine.
PdfFormattedTextFragment Represents a fragment of formatted text in a pdf document.
PdfFormattedTextFragmentCollection Represents a collection of formatted text fragments in a pdf document.
PdfImageConversionFormat Represents image formats that can be used for pdf document pages rasterization.
PdfPage Represents pdf document page.
PdfPageCollection Represents a collection of pages in a pdf content.
PdfPageMarginType Represents pdf crop margins to be used during watermark adding.
PdfPermissions Represents user’s permissions for a pdf document.
PdfShape Provides base class for XObjects, Artifacts and Annotations.
PdfShapeFormattedTextFragmentCollection Represents a collection of formatted text fragments in a pdf document XObject, Artifact or Annotation.
PdfTextFormattedTextFragmentCollection Represents a collection of formatted text fragments in a pdf content main text.
PdfWatermarkableImage Represents an image inside a Pdf document.
PdfXForm Represents an XForm in a pdf content.
PdfXImage Represents an XImage in a pdf content.
PdfXObject Represents an XObject in a pdf document.
PdfXObjectCollection Represents a collection of XObjects in a pdf document.
PresentationBaseShape Provides the abstract base class for shapes of all types in a PowerPoint document.
PresentationBaseSlide Provides the abstract base class for slides of all types in a PowerPoint document.
PresentationChart Represents a chart in a PowerPoint document.
PresentationChartCollection Represents a collection of charts in a PowerPoint document.
PresentationContent Represents a PowerPoint document where a watermark can be placed.
PresentationFormattedTextFragment Represents a fragment of formatted text in a PowerPoint document.
PresentationFormattedTextFragmentCollection Represents a collection of formatted text fragments in a PowerPoint document.
PresentationHyperlinkActionType Specifies hyperlink action type.
PresentationImageFillFormat Represents the image fill format settings in a PowerPoint document.
PresentationLayoutSlide Represents a PowerPoint content layout slide.
PresentationLayoutSlideCollection Represents a collection of layout slides in a PowerPoint document.
PresentationMasterHandoutSlide Represents a master handout slide in a PowerPoint content.
PresentationMasterNotesSlide Represents a master slide for all notes slides in a PowerPoint document.
PresentationMasterSlide Represents a PowerPoint document master slide.
PresentationMasterSlideCollection Represents a collection of master slides in a PowerPoint document.
PresentationNotesSlide Represents a PowerPoint document notes slide.
PresentationShape Represents a drawing shape in a PowerPoint document.
PresentationShapeCollection Represents a collection of drawing shapes in a PowerPoint document.
PresentationShapeSettings Represents settings that can be applied to a shape watermark for a PowerPoint document.
PresentationShapeType Represents a shape geometry preset type.
PresentationSlide Represents a PowerPoint document slide.
PresentationSlideCollection Represents a collection of slides in a PowerPoint document.
PresentationSlideImageFillFormat Represents the image fill format settings for a slide in a PowerPoint document.
PresentationWatermarkableImage Represents an image inside a PowerPoint document.
SpreadsheetAttachment Represents a file attached to an Excel document.
SpreadsheetAttachmentCollection Represents a collection of attachments in an Excel document.
SpreadsheetAutoShapeType Represents auto shape type.
SpreadsheetCellFormattedTextFragment Represents a fragment of formatted text in Excel document cell.
SpreadsheetCellFormattedTextFragmentCollection Represents a collection of formatted text fragments in an Excel document cell.
SpreadsheetChart Represents a chart in an Excel document.
SpreadsheetChartCollection Represents a collection of charts in an Excel document.
SpreadsheetContent Represents an Excel document where a watermark can be placed.
SpreadsheetHeaderFooter Represents a header/footer in an Excel document.
SpreadsheetHeaderFooterCollection Represents a collection of headers and footers in an Excel document.
SpreadsheetHeaderFooterSection Represents a header/footer section in an Excel document.
SpreadsheetHeaderFooterSectionCollection Represents a collection of header/footer sections.
SpreadsheetHeaderFooterSectionType Represents header/footer section in Excel document.
SpreadsheetImageFillFormat Represents the image fill format settings in an Excel document.
SpreadsheetMsoDrawingType Represents office drawing object type.
SpreadsheetPageSetup Represents printing page properties for a worksheet.
SpreadsheetShape Represents a drawing shape in an Excel document.
SpreadsheetShapeCollection Represents a collection of drawing shapes in an Excel document.
SpreadsheetShapeFormattedTextFragment Represents a fragment of formatted text in Excel document shape.
SpreadsheetShapeFormattedTextFragmentCollection Represents a collection of formatted text fragments in an Excel document text shape.
SpreadsheetTextEffectFormattedTextFragment Represents a fragment of formatted text in Excel document WordArt shape.
SpreadsheetTextEffectFormattedTextFragmentCollection Represents a collection of formatted text fragments in an Excel document WordArt shape.
SpreadsheetWatermarkableImage Represents an image inside an Excel document.
SpreadsheetWorksheet Represents an Excel document worksheet.
SpreadsheetWorksheetCollection Represents a collection of worksheets in an Excel document.
TiffImageContent Represents a tiff image where a watermark can be placed.
WatermarkableImage Represents an image inside a document.
WatermarkableImageCollection Represents a collection of images found in a document.
WordProcessingContent Class representing Word document (doc, docx etc) where watermark should be placed.
WordProcessingFormattedTextFragmentCollection Represents a collection of formatted text fragments in a Word document.
WordProcessingHeaderFooter Represents a header/footer in a Word document.
WordProcessingHeaderFooterCollection Represents a collection of headers and footers in a Word document.
WordProcessingHorizontalAlignment Specifies horizontal alignment of a floating object.
WordProcessingPageSetup Represents printing page properties for a section of a Word document.
WordProcessingProtectionType Represents protection type for a Word document.
WordProcessingRelativeHorizontalPosition Specifies to what the horizontal position of an object is relative.
WordProcessingRelativeVerticalPosition Specifies to what the vertical position of an object is relative.
WordProcessingSection Represents a Word document section.
WordProcessingSectionCollection Represents a collection of sections in a Word document.
WordProcessingShape Represents a drawing shape in a Word document.
WordProcessingShapeCollection Represents a collection of shapes in a Word document.
WordProcessingShapeFormattedTextFragmentCollection Represents a collection of formatted text fragments in a Word document shape.
WordProcessingShapeType Represents the type of a shape in a Word document.
WordProcessingTextFormattedTextFragment Represents a fragment of formatted text in a Word document.
WordProcessingTextFormattedTextFragmentCollection Represents a collection of formatted text fragments in a Word document main text.
WordProcessingVerticalAlignment Specifies vertical alignment of a floating object.
WordProcessingWatermarkableImage Represents an image inside a Word document.
WordProcessingWordArtShapeFormattedTextFragment Represents a fragment of formatted text in a WordArt shape.
WordProcessingWordArtShapeFormattedTextFragmentCollection Represents a collection of formatted text fragments in a Word document WordArt shape.


Interface Description
IPresentationHyperlinkContainer Represents PowerPoint document object that contains a hyperlink.