Rgb24Color class
Represents 24-bit color in RGB format, with 8 bits per every channel (Red, Green, Blue). Does not support transparency.
The Rgb24Color type exposes the following members:
Name | Description |
Rgb24Color() | Initializes a new instance of the Rgb24Color class |
Name | Description |
r | Gets the red part of the color as 8-bit unsigned integer [0..255] |
g | Gets the green part of the color as 8-bit unsigned integer [0..255] |
b | Gets the blue part of the color as 8-bit unsigned integer [0..255] |
is_default | Indicates whether this Rgb24Color instance is default (Black) - all 3 channels are set to 0. |
Name | Description |
equals(other) | Checks this color with specified Argb32Color color for equality |
equals(other) | Checks this color with specified Argb32Color color for equality |
from_rgb(red, green, blue) | Creates one Rgb24Color value from specified Red, Green, Blue channels |
get_brightness() | Returns the Hue-Saturation-Lightness (HSL) lightness/brightness for this Rgb24Color instance. |
get_hue() | Returns the Hue-Saturation-Lightness (HSL) hue value, in degrees, for this Rgb24Color instance. If R == G == B, the hue is meaningless, and the return value is 0. |
get_saturation() | The Hue-Saturation-Lightness (HSL) saturation for this Rgb24Color instance |
to_argb() | Returns the ARGB value of this Rgb24Color instance, compatible with aspose.pydrawing.Color |
to_rgb() | Serializes this Rgb24Color instance to the ‘rgb’ CSS function notation. |
to_hex() | Returns this color in hexadecimal string representation |
See Also
- namespace groupdocs.viewer.drawing
- assembly GroupDocs.Viewer