
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FileLogger implements ILogger

Writes log messages to a file.

The FileLogger class provides functionality to write log messages to a file. It implements the ILogger interface and can be used to log various events and messages in an application. Log messages are written to the specified file.

Example usage:

 // Create a new instance of FileLogger with the specified log file path
 FileLogger fileLogger = new FileLogger("/path/to/logfile.txt");

 // Log an informational message
 fileLogger.debug("Debug message");

 // Log an error message
 fileLogger.error("Error message");

 // Check is logging warning messages enabled
 boolean warningEnabled = fileLogger.isWarningEnabled();

Note: The FileLogger class provides basic logging functionality. You can extend this class to add custom log levels or additional logging features as per your requirements.


Constructor Description
FileLogger(String fileName) Creates a logger that logs messages to a file specified by the provided file name.
FileLogger(String fileName, boolean isTraceEnabled, boolean isDebugEnabled, boolean isWarningEnabled, boolean isErrorEnabled) Creates a logger that logs messages to a file with specified logging levels.


Field Description


Method Description
trace(String message, Object[] arguments) Writes a trace message to the console.
trace(Throwable throwable, String message, Object[] arguments) Writes a trace log message to the console.
isTraceEnabled() Checks if the trace level is enabled for logging.
debug(String message, Object[] arguments) Writes a debug log message to the console.
debug(Throwable throwable, String message, Object[] arguments) Writes a debug log message to the console.
isDebugEnabled() Checks if the debug level is enabled for logging.
warning(String message, Object[] arguments) Writes a warning log message to the console.
warning(Throwable throwable, String message, Object[] arguments) Writes a warning log message to the console.
isWarningEnabled() Checks if the warning level is enabled for logging.
error(String message, Object[] arguments) Writes an error log message to the console.
error(Throwable throwable, String message, Object[] arguments) Writes an error log message to the console.
isErrorEnabled() Checks if error-level logging is enabled.

FileLogger(String fileName)

public FileLogger(String fileName)

Creates a logger that logs messages to a file specified by the provided file name.


Parameter Type Description
fileName java.lang.String The full file name with path.

FileLogger(String fileName, boolean isTraceEnabled, boolean isDebugEnabled, boolean isWarningEnabled, boolean isErrorEnabled)

public FileLogger(String fileName, boolean isTraceEnabled, boolean isDebugEnabled, boolean isWarningEnabled, boolean isErrorEnabled)

Creates a logger that logs messages to a file with specified logging levels.


Parameter Type Description
fileName java.lang.String The full file name with path.
isTraceEnabled boolean Specifies whether trace level logging is enabled.
isDebugEnabled boolean Specifies whether debug level logging is enabled.
isWarningEnabled boolean Specifies whether warning level logging is enabled.
isErrorEnabled boolean Specifies whether error level logging is enabled.


public static final String MESSAGE


public static final String EXCEPTION

trace(String message, Object[] arguments)

public void trace(String message, Object[] arguments)

Writes a trace message to the console. Trace log messages provide generally useful information about application flow.


Parameter Type Description
message java.lang.String The trace message.
arguments java.lang.Object[] The arguments to be replaced in the message. They will replace {} placeholders in order of passing.

trace(Throwable throwable, String message, Object[] arguments)

public void trace(Throwable throwable, String message, Object[] arguments)

Writes a trace log message to the console. Trace log messages provide generally useful information about the application flow.


Parameter Type Description
throwable java.lang.Throwable The exception associated with the trace log message.
message java.lang.String The trace log message.
arguments java.lang.Object[] The arguments to be replaced in the message. They will replace {} placeholders in the order they are passed.


public boolean isTraceEnabled()

Checks if the trace level is enabled for logging.

Returns: boolean - true if the trace level is enabled, false otherwise.

debug(String message, Object[] arguments)

public void debug(String message, Object[] arguments)

Writes a debug log message to the console. Debug log messages provide information about different processes in the application flow.


Parameter Type Description
message java.lang.String The debug log message.
arguments java.lang.Object[] The arguments to be replaced in the message. They will replace {} placeholders in the order they are passed.

debug(Throwable throwable, String message, Object[] arguments)

public void debug(Throwable throwable, String message, Object[] arguments)

Writes a debug log message to the console. Debug log messages provide information about different processes in the application flow.


Parameter Type Description
throwable java.lang.Throwable The exception associated with the debug log message.
message java.lang.String The debug log message.
arguments java.lang.Object[] The arguments to be replaced in the message. They will replace {} placeholders in the order they are passed.


public boolean isDebugEnabled()

Checks if the debug level is enabled for logging.

Returns: boolean - true if the debug level is enabled, false otherwise.

warning(String message, Object[] arguments)

public void warning(String message, Object[] arguments)

Writes a warning log message to the console. Warning log messages provide information about unexpected and recoverable events in the application flow.


Parameter Type Description
message java.lang.String The warning log message.
arguments java.lang.Object[] The arguments to be replaced in the message. They will replace {} placeholders in the order they are passed.

warning(Throwable throwable, String message, Object[] arguments)

public void warning(Throwable throwable, String message, Object[] arguments)

Writes a warning log message to the console. Warning log messages provide information about unexpected and recoverable events in the application flow.


Parameter Type Description
throwable java.lang.Throwable The exception associated with the warning log message.
message java.lang.String The warning log message.
arguments java.lang.Object[] The arguments to be replaced in the message. They will replace {} placeholders in the order they are passed.


public boolean isWarningEnabled()

Checks if the warning level is enabled for logging.

Returns: boolean - true if the warning level is enabled, false otherwise.

error(String message, Object[] arguments)

public void error(String message, Object[] arguments)

Writes an error log message to the console. Error log messages provide information about unrecoverable events in the application flow.


Parameter Type Description
message java.lang.String The error log message.
arguments java.lang.Object[] The arguments to be replaced in the message. They will replace {} placeholders in the order they are passed.

error(Throwable throwable, String message, Object[] arguments)

public void error(Throwable throwable, String message, Object[] arguments)

Writes an error log message to the console. Error log messages provide information about unrecoverable events in the application flow.


Parameter Type Description
throwable java.lang.Throwable The exception associated with the error log message.
message java.lang.String The error log message.
arguments java.lang.Object[] The arguments to be replaced in the message. They will replace {} placeholders in the order they are passed.


public boolean isErrorEnabled()

Checks if error-level logging is enabled.

Returns: boolean - true if error-level logging is enabled, false otherwise.