Render Row and Column Headings


Are you looking to enhance your document viewing experience in .NET applications? With GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET, you can seamlessly render row and column headings from your spreadsheet files. In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through the process of rendering row and column headings using different output formats such as HTML, JPG, PNG, and PDF.


Before we dive into the tutorial, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Installed GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET library.
  • A sample XLSX file for testing purposes.
  • A working knowledge of C# and .NET development.

Import Namespaces

In your C# code, ensure you import the necessary namespaces to use GroupDocs.Viewer:

using GroupDocs.Viewer.Options;
using System;
using System.IO;

1. Set Up the Output Directory

string outputDirectory = "Your Document Directory";
string pageFilePathFormat = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, "page_{0}.html");

2. Render to HTML

using (Viewer viewer = new Viewer("SAMPLE.XLSX"))
    HtmlViewOptions options = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources(pageFilePathFormat);
    options.SpreadsheetOptions.RenderHeadings = true;
    viewer.View(options, 1, 2, 3);

3. Render to JPG

pageFilePathFormat = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, "page_{0}.jpg");
using (Viewer viewer = new Viewer(TestFiles.SAMPLE_XLSX))
    JpgViewOptions options = new JpgViewOptions(pageFilePathFormat);
    options.SpreadsheetOptions.RenderHeadings = true;
    viewer.View(options, 1, 2, 3);

4. Render to PNG

pageFilePathFormat = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, "page_{0}.png");
using (Viewer viewer = new Viewer(TestFiles.SAMPLE_XLSX))
    PngViewOptions options = new PngViewOptions(pageFilePathFormat);
    options.SpreadsheetOptions.RenderHeadings = true;
    viewer.View(options, 1, 2, 3);

5. Render to PDF

pageFilePathFormat = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, "output.pdf");
using (Viewer viewer = new Viewer(TestFiles.SAMPLE_XLSX))
    PdfViewOptions options = new PdfViewOptions(pageFilePathFormat);
    options.SpreadsheetOptions.RenderHeadings = true;
    viewer.View(options, 1, 2, 3);


Congratulations! You’ve successfully rendered row and column headings from your spreadsheet using GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET. Experiment with different output formats to suit your application’s needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I customize the output directory for the rendered documents?

A: Yes, you can set your desired output directory in the code where the outputDirectory variable is defined.

Q: Is GroupDocs.Viewer compatible with other spreadsheet formats?

A: Yes, GroupDocs.Viewer supports various spreadsheet formats, including XLS, XLSX, CSV, and more.

Q: How can I handle exceptions during the rendering process?

A: You can implement try-catch blocks to handle exceptions and log or display appropriate messages to the user.

Q: Are there any licensing requirements for using GroupDocs.Viewer in my application?

A: Yes, you need a valid license. You can obtain a temporary license for testing purposes or purchase a full license for production.

Q: Where can I find additional support or community discussions?

A: Visit the GroupDocs.Viewer forum for support and discussions.