Set License from Stream - GroupDocs Comparison for .NET


In the world of .NET development, managing and comparing documents efficiently is crucial. Whether you’re working on legal contracts, financial reports, or any other document-intensive application, the ability to compare documents accurately can save time and ensure accuracy. This is where GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET comes into play.


Before diving into the tutorial, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Basic knowledge of C# and .NET framework.
  • Visual Studio installed on your system.
  • GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET library installed. You can download it here.
  • Access to the GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET documentation here.

Import Namespaces

To start using GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET, you need to import the necessary namespaces into your project. Here’s how you can do it:

In your project, add the following namespace references at the top of your code file:

using System;
using System.IO;

These namespaces provide access to essential classes and methods required for document comparison tasks.

Step 1: Check License File Existence

if (File.Exists(Constants.LicensePath))

This step checks if the license file exists in the specified path.

Step 2: Set License from Stream

using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(Constants.LicensePath))
    License license = new License();

If the license file exists, this step creates a file stream to read the license file and sets the license for GroupDocs.Comparison using the SetLicense method.

Step 3: Handle License Absence

Console.WriteLine("License set successfully.");

If the license is set successfully, this step prints a success message.

Step 4: Prompt for Obtaining License

Console.WriteLine("\nWe do not ship any license with this example. " +
                  "\nVisit the GroupDocs site to obtain either a temporary or permanent license. " +
                  "\nLearn more about licensing at " +
                  "\nLear how to request temporary license at");

If the license file doesn’t exist, this step prompts the user to obtain a license from the GroupDocs website.


In this tutorial, we explored how to set a license using GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET. By following the steps outlined above, you can efficiently manage and compare documents in your .NET applications, ensuring accuracy and saving valuable time.


Do I need a license to use GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET?

Yes, you need a license to use GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET. You can obtain either a temporary or permanent license from the GroupDocs website.

Can I try GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET before purchasing?

Yes, you can request a free trial from the GroupDocs website to evaluate the product before making a purchase.

How can I get support for GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET?

You can get support from the GroupDocs forum dedicated to comparison here.

What should I do if I encounter licensing issues?

If you encounter any licensing issues, refer to the licensing FAQs here or contact GroupDocs support.

Where can I find more tutorials and resources for GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET?

You can find extensive documentation and tutorials on the GroupDocs website here.