
The GroupDocs.Signature.Domain.Enums namespace provides classes for working with Enums


Class Description
CodeTextAlignment Alignment of code text for Bar-codes and QR-codes.
DashStyle Represents style of dash drawing lines on documents.
DocumentType Defines document type.
FormFieldType Specifies Form Field type.
FormTextFieldType Defines types of text for WordsProcessing document form fields.
HorizontalAlignment Specifies horizontal alignment of element on Document Page.
MeasureType Specifies measure units of signature on document page.
PdfDigitalSignatureType Describes enumeration of PDF digital signature type.
PdfSaveFileFormat Define different save file formats.
PdfTextAnnotationBorderEffect Describes effect which should be applied to the border of the PDF Text Annotations.
PdfTextStickerIcon Describes enumeration of PDF Text Annotation Sticker Icon appearance.
PdfTextStickerState Describes enumeration of PDF Text Annotation Sticker States.
PresentationSaveFileFormat Defines different save file formats.
ProcessStatus Specifies status of signing and verification processes.
ProcessType Defines supported process with documents like Info, Preview, Sign, Verify, Search, Update, Delete
ShapePosition Specifies shape position in the document layout
SignatureType Signature Type define the method to sign.
SpreadsheetSaveFileFormat Defines different save formats for Spreadsheet documents.
StretchMode Represents Stretch Mode of Signature area on Document Page.
TextHorizontalAlignment Specifies text horizontal alignment inside a Signature.
TextMatchType Specifies Text Match type in string - Exact, StartsWith, EndsWith, Contains.
TextShapeType Specifies types of text shapes.
TextSignatureImplementation Specifies type of implementation for PDF text signature.
TextVerticalAlignment Specifies text vertical alignment inside a Signature.
VerticalAlignment Specifies vertical alignment of element on Document Page.
WordProcessingSaveFileFormat Defines different save file formats for WordProcessing documents.
WordProcessingTextSignatureImplementation Specifies type of text signature implementation for WordProcessing documents.
XAdESType Type of XML Advanced Electronic Signature (XAdES).