Delete(string[], UpdateOptions)
Deletes indexed files or folders from the index. Then updates the index without deleted paths. Note that an individual document cannot be deleted from the index if it was added to the index as part of a folder.
public DeleteResult Delete(string[] paths, UpdateOptions options)
Parameter | Type | Description |
paths | String[] | The paths to files or folders to delete. |
options | UpdateOptions | The update options. |
Return Value
An object describing the result of deleting files or folders from the index.
The example demonstrates how to delete indexed paths from an index.
string indexFolder = @"c:\MyIndex\";
string documentsFolder1 = @"c:\MyDocuments\";
string documentsFolder2 = @"c:\MyDocuments2\";
// Creating an index in the specified folder
Index index = new Index(indexFolder);
// Indexing documents from the specified folders
// Getting indexed paths from the index
string[] indexedPaths1 = index.GetIndexedPaths();
// Writing indexed paths to the console
Console.WriteLine("Indexed paths:");
foreach (string path in indexedPaths1)
Console.WriteLine("\t" + path);
// Deleting index path from the index
DeleteResult deleteResult = index.Delete(new string[] { documentsFolder1 }, new UpdateOptions());
// Getting indexed paths after deletion
string[] indexedPaths2 = index.GetIndexedPaths();
Console.WriteLine("\nDeleted paths: " + deleteResult.SuccessCount);
Console.WriteLine("\nIndexed paths:");
foreach (string path in indexedPaths2)
Console.WriteLine("\t" + path);
See Also
- class DeleteResult
- class UpdateOptions
- class Index
- namespace GroupDocs.Search
- assembly GroupDocs.Search
Delete(UpdateOptions, string[])
Deletes documents indexed from streams or structures. Then updates the index without deleted documents.
public DeleteResult Delete(UpdateOptions options, string[] documentKeys)
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | UpdateOptions | The update options. |
documentKeys | String[] | The keys of documents added from streams or structures. |
Return Value
An object describing the result of deleting documents from the index.
See Also
- class DeleteResult
- class UpdateOptions
- class Index
- namespace GroupDocs.Search
- assembly GroupDocs.Search