
SearchNetworkNode class

Represents a search network node that can contain services such as extractor, indexer, searcher, shard.

public class SearchNetworkNode : IDisposable


Name Description
CustomExtractors { get; } Gets the custom extractor collection.
Events { get; } Gets the event hub for subscribing to events.
Indexer { get; } Gets the indexer.
NodeIndex { get; } Gets the index of the search network node.
Searcher { get; } Gets the searcher.


Name Description
static CreateMasterNode(int, string, INetworkSettings, ILogger, Configuration) Creates a master node of the search network.
static CreateSlaveNode(int, string, INetworkSettings) Creates a slave node of the search network.
static CreateSlaveNode(int, string, INetworkSettings, ILogger) Creates a slave node of the search network.
ConfigureAllNodes() Configures all nodes in the search network.
ConfigureNode(int) Configures the specified node in the search network.
Dispose() Releases all resources used by the SearchNetworkNode.
GetNodeIndex(int) Gets the index of the node where the service is located.
GetShardIndices() Gets an array of all shard indices in the search network.
SetOcrConnector(IOcrConnector) Sets an OCR connector that is used for OCR processing.
SetWordFormsProvider(IWordFormsProvider) Sets a word forms provider.
Start() Starts the functioning of the search network node.

See Also