
NodeEventHub class

Provides node events for subscribing.

public class NodeEventHub


Name Description
event AttributeChangesCompleted Occurs when all enqueued attribute changes are finished.
event ConfigurationCompleted Occurs when the search network configuration process is finished.
event DataExtracted Occurs when the data has been extracted from a document.
event DeletionCompleted Occurs when all enqueued deletions of documents are finished.
event DocumentDeleted Occurs when a document has been deleted.
event DocumentIndexed Occurs when a document has been indexed.
event ErrorOccurred Occurs when an error occurs in one of the nodes of the search network.
event IndexingCompleted Occurs when indexing of all enqueued documents is finished.
event IndexingProgressChanged Occurs when the progress of the indexing operation has changed.
event OptimizationCompleted Occurs when optimization of all nodes is finished.
event OptimizationProgressChanged Occurs when the progress of the optimization operation has changed.
event StatusChanged Occurs when the search network status changes.
event SynchronizationCompleted Occurs when synchronization with all nodes is finished.

See Also