
The Integration namespace provides interfaces and classes, used to integrate documents of different formats with GroupDocs.Redaction.


Class Description
DocumentFormatInstance Represents a specific format of a document. Implement this class to add your own document types.
MetadataCollection Represents a dictionary of MetadataItem with its title as a key.
MetadataItem Represents an item of metadata, common for all supported formats and used in metadata redactions.


Interface Description
IAnnotatedDocument Defines methods that are required for access to annotations, such as comments. Needs to be implemented by DocumentFormatInstance-derived class to perform annotation redactions.
ICellularFormatInstance Defines methods that are required for access to spreadsheet formats, having one or many worksheets.
IFixedFormatDocument Defines methods that are required for access formats of fixed structure, such as PDF or presentations.
IImageFormatInstance Defines methods that are required for raster image format redactions.
IMetadataAccess Defines methods that are required for access to metadata of a document, if format supports it.
IPaginatedDocument Defines methods that are required to manipulate a document’s pages. Needs to be implemented by DocumentFormatInstance-derived class to perform page redactions.
IPreviewable Defines methods to create preview of the document.
IRasterizableDocument Defines methods that are required for saving document in any binary form. Built-in types save a document as a PDF with images of its pages.
ITextualFormatInstance Defines methods that are required for redacting textual data in any document, containing text.