
TocItem.ExtractText method

Extracts a text from the document to which TocItem object refers.

public virtual TextReader ExtractText()

Return Value

An instance of TextReader class with the extracted text.


The following example how to extract a text by the an item of table of contents:

// Create an instance of Parser class
using (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SampleDocxWithToc))
    // Get table of contents
    IEnumerable<TocItem> tocItems = parser.GetToc();
    // Check if toc extraction is supported
    if (tocItems == null)
        Console.WriteLine("Table of contents extraction isn't supported");
    // Iterate over items
    foreach (TocItem tocItem in tocItems)
        // Print the text of the chapter
        using (TextReader reader = tocItem.ExtractText())

See Also