
The com.groupdocs.metadata.core namespace provides main classes allowing working with metadata in all supported formats.


Class Description
ApePackage Represents an APE v2 metadata package.
AsfAudioStreamProperty Represents Audio stream property metadata in the ASF media container.
AsfBaseDescriptor Represents an ASF base metadata descriptor object.
AsfBaseStreamProperty Represents base stream property metadata in the ASF media container.
AsfCodec Represents ASF codec metadata.
AsfContentDescriptor Represents an ASF content descriptor object.
AsfDescriptorType Defines ASF descriptor types.
AsfExtendedStreamPropertyFlags Defines ASF extended stream property flags.
AsfFilePropertyFlags Defines ASF file property flags.
AsfMetadataDescriptor Represents an ASF metadata descriptor.
AsfMetadataDescriptorCollection Represents a collection of metadata descriptors.
AsfPackage Represents native metadata of the ASF media container.
AsfRootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in an ASF video.
AsfVideoStreamProperty Represents Video stream property metadata in the ASF media container.
AviHeader Represents the AVIMAINHEADER structure in an AVI video.
AviHeaderFlags Represents AVI Header flags.
AviRootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in an AVI video.
BmpHeaderPackage Represents BMP header info.
BmpRootPackage Represents the root package intended to work with metadata in a BMP image.
CadCustomPropertyPackage Represents a collection of custom CAD metadata properties.
CadPackage Represents CAD (Computer-aided design) metadata.
CadRootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in a CAD drawing.
CanonCameraSettingsPackage Represents CANON camera settings.
CanonMakerNotePackage Represents CANON MakerNote metadata.
Cms Represents a digital sign created with Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) - IETF’s standard for cryptographically protected messages.
CmsAttribute Represents a CMS signer info attribute.
CmsCertificate Represents a CMS certificate.
CmsEncapsulatedContent Represents a signed content container, consisting of a content type identifier and the content itself.
CmsPackage Represents a CMS digital signature metadata package.
CmsSigner Represents CMS per-signer information.
Cr2AFConfigPackage Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
Cr2AFInfo2Package Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
Cr2AFInfoPackage Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
Cr2AFMicroAdjPackage Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
Cr2AspectInfoPackage Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
Cr2CameraSettingsPackage Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
Cr2ColorBalancePackage Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
Cr2ColorInfoPackage Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
Cr2CropInfoPackage Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
Cr2FileInfoPackage Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
Cr2FocalLengthPackage Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
Cr2Functions1DPackage Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
Cr2LightingOptPackage Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
Cr2LogInfoPackage Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
Cr2MakerNotePackage Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
Cr2ModifiedInfoPackage Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
Cr2MovieInfoPackage Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
Cr2MultiExpPackage Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
Cr2Package Represents native CR2 metadata.
Cr2PanoramaPackage Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
Cr2PersonalFuncValuesPackage Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
Cr2PersonalFuncsPackage Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
Cr2ProcessingPackage Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
Cr2RootPackage Represents an entry point to all metadata packages presented in a particular file CR2.
Cr2SensorInfoPackage Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
Cr2ShotInfoPackage Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
Cr2TimeInfoPackage Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
Cr2VignettingCorr2Package Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
Cr2WBInfoPackage Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.
CustomPackage Provides a container for metadata properties.
DiagramPackage Represents a native metadata package in a diagram format.
DiagramRootPackage Represents the root package intended to work with metadata in a diagram.
DiagramTypePackage Represents a metadata package containing diagram-specific file format information.
DicomPackage Represents native DICOM metadata.
DicomRootPackage Represents the root package intended to work with metadata in a DICOM image.
DigitalSignature Represents a digital signature used to sign a document.
DjVuRootPackage Represents the root package intended to work with metadata in an DjVu image.
DngPackage Represents native DNG metadata.
DngRootPackage Represents the root package intended to work with metadata in a DNG image.
DocumentInfo Provides common information about a loaded document.
DocumentPackage Represents native metadata in an office document.
DocumentProtectedException The exception that is thrown when document is protected by password.
DocumentRootPackage Represents a root package for document formats such as PDF, WordProcessing, Spreadsheet, Presentation, etc.
DocumentStatistics Represents a set of document statistics.
DublinCorePackage Represents a Dublin Core metadata package.
DwgRootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in a DWG drawing.
DxfRootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in a DXF drawing.
EmailHeaderPackage Represents a metadata package containing email message headers.
EmailPackage Represents email message metadata.
EmailRootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in an email message.
EmfRootPackage Represents the root package intended to work with metadata in an EMF image.
EmlPackage Represents EML message metadata.
EmlRootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in an EML email message.
EpubPackage Represents metadata in a EPUB e-book.
EpubRootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in an EPUB e-book.
ExifDictionaryBasePackage Provides an abstract base class for EXIF metadata dictionaries.
ExifGpsPackage Represents GPS metadata in an EXIF metadata package.
ExifIfdPackage Represents the Exif Image File Directory.
ExifPackage Represents an EXIF metadata package (Exchangeable Image File Format).
FileType Represents the file type.
FileTypePackage Represents a metadata package containing file format information.
FlvHeader Represents a FLV video header.
FlvRootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in an FLV video.
GifImageTypePackage Represents a metadata package containing GIF-specific file format information.
GifRootPackage Represents the root package intended to work with metadata in a GIF image.
GpsIfdPackage Represents GPS IFD.
GroupDocsMetadataException Represents a product-specific exception that is thrown during file processing.
HeifRootPackage Represents the root package intended to work with metadata in a HEIF image.
ID3Tag Represents a base abstract class for the ID3(v1) and ID3(v2) audio tags.
ID3V1Genre Specifies genres used in an Id3v1 tag.
ID3V1Tag Represents an ID3v1 tag.
ID3V2AttachedPictureFrame Represents an APIC frame in an ID3V2Tag .
ID3V2AttachedPictureType Represents the type of an attached picture.
ID3V2CommentFrame Represents a COMM frame in an ID3V2Tag .
ID3V2MlltFrame Represents an MLLT frame in an ID3V2Tag .
ID3V2PlayCounterFrame Represents a PCNT frame in an ID3V2Tag .
ID3V2PrivateFrame Represents a PRIV frame in an ID3V2Tag .
ID3V2Tag Represents an ID3v2 tag.
ID3V2TagFrame Represents a generic frame in an ID3V2Tag .
ID3V2TagFrameFlags Represents flags used in a ID3v2 tag frame.
ID3V2TextFrame Represents a text frame in an ID3V2Tag .
ID3V2UrlLinkFrame Represents a URL link frame in an ID3V2Tag .
ID3V2UserDefinedFrame Represents a TXXX frame in an ID3V2Tag .
ID3V2UserDefinedUrlLinkFrame Represents a WXXX frame in an ID3V2Tag .
ImageResourceID Image resources standard ID numbers.
ImageResourcePackage Represents a metadata package containing Photoshop Image Resources.
ImageRootPackage Provides a base abstract class for all image root packages.
ImageTypePackage Represents a metadata package containing image-specific file format information.
InteroperabilityIFDPointerPackage Represents Interoperability IFD.
InvalidFormatException The exception that is thrown when a file has an invalid format.
IptcApplicationRecord Represents an IPTC Application Record.
IptcDataSet Represents an IPTC DataSet (metadata property).
IptcEnvelopeRecord Represents an IPTC Envelope Record.
IptcEnvelopeRecordDataSet Defines IPTC Envelope Record dataSet numbers.
IptcRecord Represents an IPTC record.
IptcRecordSet Represents a collection of IPTC records.
IptcRecordType Defines IPTC record types.
Jpeg2000Package Represents native JPEG2000 metadata.
Jpeg2000RootPackage Represents the root package intended to work with metadata in a JPEG2000 image.
JpegRootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in a JPEG image.
LyricsField Represents a LyricsTag field.
LyricsTag Represents Lyrics3 v2.00 metadata.
MP3RootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in an MP3 audio.
MakerNotePackage Provides an abstract base class for MakerNote metadata packages.
MatroskaAudioTrack Represents audio metadata in a Matroska video.
MatroskaBasePackage Provides a base metadata class for all packages extracted from a Matroska video.
MatroskaEbmlHeader Represents EBML header metadata in a Matroska video.
MatroskaPackage Represents a metadata container in a Matroska video.
MatroskaRootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in a Matroska video.
MatroskaSegment Represents a SEGMENTINFO element containing general information about the SEGMENT in a Matroska video.
MatroskaSimpleTag Represents general information about the target in a Matroska video.
MatroskaSubtitle Represents subtitle metadata in a Matroska video.
MatroskaSubtitleTrack Represents subtitle metadata in a Matroska video.
MatroskaTag Represents metadata describing Tracks, Editions, Chapters, Attachments, or the Segment as a whole in a Matroska video.
MatroskaTrack Represents track metadata in a Matroska video.
MatroskaVideoTrack Represents video metadata in a Matroska video.
MetadataPackage Represents base abstraction for a metadata package.
MetadataProperty Represents a metadata property.
MetadataValidationException The exception that is thrown when validation errors encountered during metadata saving.
MovAtom Represents a QuickTime atom.
MovPackage Represents QuickTime metadata.
MovRootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in a QuickTime video.
MpegAudioPackage Represents MPEG audio metadata.
MsgPackage Represents MSG message metadata.
MsgRootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in an MSG email message.
NikonMakerNotePackage Represents NIKON MakerNote metadata.
NoteInspectionPackage Represents a metadata package exposing the internal structure of a note section.
NotePage Represents a page in a OneNote section.
NoteRootPackage Represents the root package intended to work with metadata in an electronic note file.
Oid Represents an object identifier (OID).
OpenTypeBaseNameRecord Represents the base OpenType Name table record class.
OpenTypeFlags Represents OpenType font header flags.
OpenTypeFont Represents a single font extracted from a file.
OpenTypeLicensingRights Indicates font embedding licensing rights for the font.
OpenTypeMacintoshNameRecord Represents the Name record table value for the OpenTypePlatform.Macintosh platform.
OpenTypePackage Represents an OpenType font metadata package.
OpenTypeRootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in an OpenType font file.
OpenTypeStyles Represents the OpenType font style.
OpenTypeUnicodeNameRecord Represents the Name record table value for the OpenTypePlatform.Unicode platform.
OpenTypeWindowsNameRecord Represents the Name record table value for OpenTypePlatform.Windows platform.
PageInfo Provides common information about a document page (slide, worksheet, etc).
PanasonicMakerNotePackage Represents PANASONIC MakerNote metadata.
PdfAnnotation Represents an annotation in a PDF document.
PdfAttachment Represents an attachment in a PDF document.
PdfBookmark Represents a bookmark in a PDF document.
PdfFormField Represents a form field in a PDF document.
PdfInspectionPackage Contains information about PDF document parts that can be considered as metadata in some cases.
PdfPackage Represents native metadata in a PDF document.
PdfRootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in a PDF document.
PdfTypePackage Represents a metadata package containing PDF-specific file format information.
PngCompressedTextChunk Represents compressed textual data extracted from a PNG image.
PngInternationalTextChunk Represents international textual data extracted from a PNG image.
PngPackage Represents native PNG metadata.
PngRootPackage Represents the root package intended to work with metadata in a PNG image.
PngTextChunk Represents textual data extracted from a PNG image.
PresentationComment Represents a user comment in a presentation.
PresentationInspectionPackage Contains information about presentation parts that can be considered as metadata in some cases.
PresentationPackage Represents a native metadata package in a presentation.
PresentationRootPackage Represents the root package intended to work with metadata in a presentation.
PresentationSlide Represents a slide in a presentation.
PresentationTypePackage Represents a metadata package containing presentation-specific file format information.
ProjectManagementPackage Represents a native metadata package in a project management file.
ProjectManagementRootPackage Represents the root package intended to work with metadata in a project management format.
PropertyAccessLevels Defines access levels for metadata properties.
PropertyDescriptor Represents a descriptor of a property that can be accessed through the GroupDocs.Metadata search engine.
PropertyValue Represents a property value.
PsdLayer Represents a layer in a PSD file.
PsdLayerFlags The Photoshop layer flags.
PsdPackage Represents native Photoshop metadata.
PsdRootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in a Photoshop Document.
RarFile Represents metadata associated with an archived file or directory.
RarPackage Represents ZIP archive metadata.
RarRootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in a ZIP archive.
RawDictionaryBasePackage Provides an abstract base class for EXIF metadata dictionaries.
RawExifTagPackage Represents Exif tags.
RawIFD1Package Represents IFD1 tags.
RawIFD2Package Represents IFD1 tags.
RawIFD3Package Represents IFD1 tags.
RawMakerNotePackage Represents Raw MakerNotes tags.
RawTiffTagPackage Represents Tiff tags.
RawTypePackage Represents a metadata package containing image-specific file format information.
ReadOnlyList Provides an abstract base class for a strongly typed read-only list.
Rectangle A set of four integers that represent the location and size of a rectangle.
RiffInfoPackage Represents the metadata package containing properties extracted from the RIFF INFO chunk.
RootMetadataPackage Represents an entry point to all metadata packages presented in a particular file.
SevenZipFile Represents metadata associated with an archived file or directory.
SevenZipPackage Represents ZIP archive metadata.
SevenZipRootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in a ZIP archive.
SonyMakerNotePackage Represents SONY MakerNote metadata.
SpreadsheetComment Represents a user comment in a spreadsheet.
SpreadsheetContentTypePackage Represents a metadata package containing spreadsheet content type properties.
SpreadsheetContentTypeProperty Represents a content type property in a spreadsheet.
SpreadsheetInspectionPackage Contains information about spreadsheet parts that can be considered as metadata in some cases.
SpreadsheetPackage Represents a native metadata package in a spreadsheet.
SpreadsheetRootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in a spreadsheet.
SpreadsheetSheet Represents a sheet in a spreadsheet document.
SpreadsheetTypePackage Represents a metadata package containing spreadsheet-specific file format information.
TarFile Represents metadata associated with an archived file or directory.
TarPackage Represents ZIP archive metadata.
TarRootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in a ZIP archive.
TiffArrayTag Represents an array-based TIFF tag.
TiffAsciiTag Represents a TIFF ASCII tag.
TiffByteTag Represents a Byte tag.
TiffDoubleTag Represents a TIFF Double tag.
TiffFloatTag Represents a TIFF float tag.
TiffLongTag Represents a TIFF Long tag.
TiffRational Represents a rational number.
TiffRationalTag Represents a TIFF Rational tag.
TiffRootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in a TIFF image.
TiffSByteTag Represents a TIFF SByte tag.
TiffSLongTag Represents a TIFF SLong tag.
TiffSRational Represents signed rational number.
TiffSRationalTag Represents a TIFF SRational tag.
TiffSShortTag Represents a TIFF SShort tag.
TiffShortTag Represents a TIFF Short tag.
TiffTag Represents a TIFF tag.
TiffTagID Defines ids of TIFF tags.
TiffUndefinedTag Represents a TIFF tag with the Undefined type.
TorrentPackage Represents torrent descriptor file metadata.
TorrentRootPackage Represents the root package intended to work with metadata of a TORRENT file.
TorrentSharedFilePackage Represents shared file information.
VCardAgentRecord Represents vCard Agent record metadata class.
VCardBasePackage Represents the base VCard metadata class.
VCardBinaryRecord Represents vCard binary record metadata class.
VCardCalendarRecordset Represents a set of Calendar vCard records.
VCardCard Represents a single card extracted from a VCard file.
VCardCommunicationRecordset Represents a set of Communication vCard records.
VCardCustomRecord Represents vCard custom record metadata class.
VCardDateTimeRecord Represents vCard date time record metadata class.
VCardDeliveryAddressingRecordset Represents a set of Delivery Addressing vCard records.
VCardExplanatoryRecordset Represents a set of Explanatory vCard records.
VCardGeneralRecordset Represents a set of General vCard records.
VCardGeographicalRecordset Represents a set of Geographical vCard records.
VCardIdentificationRecordset Represents a set of Identification vCard records.
VCardOrganizationalRecordset Represents a set of Organizational vCard records.
VCardPackage Represents VCF (Virtual Contact File) electronic business card format metadata.
VCardRecord Represents abstract vCard record metadata class.
VCardRecordset Provides a base vCard record union class.
VCardRootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in a VCard file.
VCardSecurityRecordset Represents a set of Security vCard records.
VCardTextRecord Represents vCard text record metadata class.
ValueAcceptor Provides a base abstract class that allows extracting all supported types of values from a PropertyValue instance.
ValueInterpreter Defines operations required to interpret metadata property values.
WavPackage Represents a native metadata package in a WAV audio file.
WavRootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in a WAV audio.
WebPRootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in a WEBP image.
WmfRootPackage Represents the root package intended to work with metadata in a WMF image.
WordProcessingComment Represents a comment in a word processing document.
WordProcessingField Represents a field in a word processing document.
WordProcessingInspectionPackage Contains information about document parts that can be considered as metadata in some cases.
WordProcessingPackage Represents a native metadata package in a word processing document.
WordProcessingRevision Represents a revision (tracked change) in a document.
WordProcessingRootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in a word processing document.
WordProcessingTypePackage Represents a metadata package containing document-specific file format information.
XmpArray Represents base abstraction for XMP array.
XmpAudioChannelType Represents audio channel type.
XmpAudioSampleType Represents Audio sample type in XmpDynamicMediaPackage .
XmpBasicJobTicketPackage Represents Basic Job-Ticket namespace.
XmpBasicPackage Represents the XMP basic namespace.
XmpBoolean Represents XMP Boolean basic type.
XmpCameraRawPackage Represents Camera Raw schema.
XmpClosedChoice Represents XMP Closed Choice.
XmpColorantBase A structure containing the characteristics of a colorant (swatch) used in a document.
XmpColorantCmyk Represents the CMYK Colorant.
XmpColorantLab Represents the LAB Colorant.
XmpColorantRgb Represents the RGB Colorant.
XmpComplexType Represents base abstraction for XMP Complex value type.
XmpComplexTypeValue Represents an XMP value containing a complex type instance.
XmpDate Represents Date in XMP packet.
XmpDimensions Containing dimensions for a drawn object.
XmpDublinCorePackage Represents the Dublin Core scheme.
XmpDynamicMediaPackage Represents XMP Dynamic Media namespace.
XmpElementBase Represents base XMP element that contains attributes.
XmpException The exception that is thrown when XMP has invalid structure.
XmpFont A structure containing the characteristics of a font used in a document.
XmpGuid Represents XMP global unique identifier.
XmpHeaderPI Represents XMP header processing instruction.
XmpInteger Represents XMP Integer basic type.
XmpIptcCorePackage Represents the IPTC Core XMP package.
XmpIptcExtensionPackage Represents the IPTC Extension XMP package.
XmpIptcIimPackage Represents the IPTC-IIM XMP package.
XmpJob Represents Job.
XmpMediaManagementPackage Represents the XMP Media Management namespace.
XmpMeta Represents xmpmeta.
XmpMetadataContainer Represents a container for XMP metadata properties.
XmpNamespaces Contains namespaces used in XmpPackage and XmpComplexType .
XmpPackage Represents base abstraction for XMP package.
XmpPacketWrapper Contains serialized XMP package including header and trailer.
XmpPagedTextPackage Represents the XMP Paged-Text package.
XmpPdfPackage Specifies properties used with Adobe PDF documents.
XmpPhotoshopPackage Represents Adobe Photoshop namespace.
XmpRational Represents XMP XmpRational.
XmpReal Represents XMP Real.
XmpRenditionClass Represents XMP RenditionClass.
XmpResourceEvent Represents a high-level event that occurred in the processing of a resource.
XmpRightsManagementPackage Represents XMP Rights Management namespace.
XmpSchemes Provides access to known XMP schemes.
XmpText Represents XMP Text basic type.
XmpThumbnail Represents a thumbnail image for a file.
XmpTime Representation of a time value in seconds.
XmpTimeFormat Represents time format in XmpTimecode .
XmpTimecode Represents a timecode value in a video.
XmpTrailerPI Represents XMP trailer processing instruction.
XmpValueBase Represents base XMP value.
XmpVersion Represents a version of a document.
XmpWhiteBalance Represents the White Balance setting in XmpCameraRawPackage .
ZipFile Represents metadata associated with an archived file or directory.
ZipPackage Represents ZIP archive metadata.
ZipRootPackage Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in a ZIP archive.


Interface Description
IDocumentInfo Provides common information about a loaded document.
IDublinCore Defines base operations allowing working with Dublin Core metadata.
IEnumValue Defines a value of an enumeration.
IEnumValueInterpreter Represents an interpreter intended to convert various numeric values to descriptive string values.
IExif Defines base operations intended to work with EXIF metadata.
IIptc Represents base operations intended to work with IPTC metadata.
IReadOnlyList Represents a read-only collection of elements that can be accessed by index.
IXmp Defines base operations intended to work with XMP metadata.
IXmpType Base interface for XMP type.


Enum Description
AsfCodecType Defines ASF codec types.
AsfStreamType Defines ASF stream types.
ByteOrder Defines various byte orders.
CadAcadVersion Defines AutoCAD drawing database version numbers.
DiagramFormat Defines various diagram subformats.
ExifGpsAltitudeRef Represents a GPS altitude reference.
FileFormat Represents the recognized format of a loaded file.
ID3V2EncodingType Defines different types of text encoding used in ID3v2.
IptcApplicationRecordDataSet Defines IPTC Application Record dataSet numbers.
MatroskaContentType Represents a Matroska content type.
MatroskaTargetTypeValue Represents a number to indicate the logical level of the Matroska tag target.
MatroskaTrackType Represents Matroska track types coded in 8 bits.
MatroskaVideoDisplayUnit Defines how Matroska DisplayWidth and DisplayHeight are interpreted.
MatroskaVideoFieldOrder Represents the field ordering of the Matroska video.
MatroskaVideoFlagInterlaced Represents a flag to declare if the Matroska video is known to be progressive or interlaced and if applicable to declare details about the interlacement.
MatroskaVideoStereoMode Represents Matroska Stereo-3D video modes.
MetadataPropertyType Defines metadata property types.
MetadataType Specifies the type of a metadata package.
MpegAudioVersion Represents a particular MPEG standard.
MpegChannelMode Defines MPEG audio channel modes.
MpegEmphasis Defines MPEG emphasis types.
OpenTypeDigitalSignatureFlags Represents OpenType font digital signature flags.
OpenTypeDirectionHint Represents the OpenType font direction.
OpenTypeIsoEncoding Represents encoding for the OpenTypePlatform.Iso platform.
OpenTypeMacintoshEncoding Represents encoding for the OpenTypePlatform.Macintosh platform.
OpenTypeMacintoshLanguage Represents language enum for the OpenTypePlatform.Macintosh platform.
OpenTypeName Defines pre-defined IDs, they apply to all platforms unless indicated otherwise.
OpenTypePlatform Represents OpenType platform for Name table.
OpenTypeUnicodeEncoding Represents encoding for OpenTypePlatform.Unicode platform.
OpenTypeVersion Represents the OpenType version.
OpenTypeWeight Represents the OpenType font weight.
OpenTypeWidth Represents the OpenType font width.
OpenTypeWindowsEncoding Represents encoding for the OpenTypePlatform.Windows platform.
OpenTypeWindowsLanguage Represents language for OpenTypePlatform.Windows platform.
PngCompressionMethod Defines compression methods used in the PNG format.
PresentationFormat Defines various presentation subformats.
PsdColorMode Represents the psd file format color mode.
PsdCompressionMethod Defines the compression method used for image data.
RawIntegerType Defines raw integer types for enumerations.
SpreadsheetFormat Defines various spreadsheet subformats.
TiffTagType Represents the IFD data type.
VCardContentType Defines vCard record content types.
WordProcessingFormat Defines various word processing document subformats.
WordProcessingRevisionType Specifies the type of the change being tracked by a revision.
XmpArrayType Represents array type in XmpArray .
XmpColorType Type of color in XmpColorantBase .
XmpColorantColorMode Represents color mode in XmpColorantBase .
XmpCropUnit Represent a unit for CropWidth and CropHeight in XmpCameraRawPackage .
XmpPhotoshopColorMode Represents a color mode in XmpPhotoshopPackage .
ZipCompressionMethod Defines ZIP compression methods.