
From<T>(T[], XmpArrayType)

Creates an XmpArray instance form an array of XmpComplexType.

public static XmpArray From<T>(T[] array, XmpArrayType type)
    where T : XmpComplexType
Parameter Description
T The element type of the source array.
array The array to create an XmpArray from.
type The type of the XmpArray.

Return Value

An XmpArray containing all the elements from the original array.

See Also

From(string[], XmpArrayType)

Creates an XmpArray instance form a string array.

public static XmpArray From(string[] array, XmpArrayType type)
Parameter Type Description
array String[] The array to create an XmpArray from.
type XmpArrayType The type of the XmpArray.

Return Value

An XmpArray containing all the elements from the original array.

See Also

From(int[], XmpArrayType)

Creates an XmpArray instance form an integer array.

public static XmpArray From(int[] array, XmpArrayType type)
Parameter Type Description
array Int32[] The array to create an XmpArray from.
type XmpArrayType The type of the XmpArray.

Return Value

An XmpArray containing all the elements from the original array.

See Also

From(DateTime[], XmpArrayType)

Creates an XmpArray instance form a date array.

public static XmpArray From(DateTime[] array, XmpArrayType type)
Parameter Type Description
array DateTime[] The array to create an XmpArray from.
type XmpArrayType The type of the XmpArray.

Return Value

An XmpArray containing all the elements from the original array.

See Also

From(double[], XmpArrayType)

Creates an XmpArray instance form a double array.

public static XmpArray From(double[] array, XmpArrayType type)
Parameter Type Description
array Double[] The array to create an XmpArray from.
type XmpArrayType The type of the XmpArray.

Return Value

An XmpArray containing all the elements from the original array.

See Also