
RawExifTagPackage class

Represents Exif tags.

public abstract class RawExifTagPackage : RawDictionaryBasePackage


Name Description
Acceleration { get; } Gets the Acceleration.
ApertureValue { get; } Gets the Aperture.
BodySerialNumber { get; } Gets the Body Serial Number.
BrightnessValue { get; } Gets the Brightness.
CameraElevationAngle { get; } Gets the Camera elevation angle.
CameraOwnerName { get; } Gets the Camera Owner Name.
CFAPattern { get; } Gets the CFA pattern.
ColorSpace { get; } Gets the Color space information .
ComponentsConfiguration { get; } Gets the Meaning of each component.
CompositeImage { get; } Gets the Composite image.
Contrast { get; } Gets the Contrast.
Count { get; } Gets the number of metadata properties.
CustomRendered { get; } Gets the Custom image processing.
DateTimeDigitized { get; } Gets the Date and time of digital data generation.
DateTimeOriginal { get; } Gets the Date and time of original data generation.
DeviceSettingDescription { get; } Gets the Device settings description.
DigitalZoomRatio { get; } Gets the Digital zoom ratio.
ExifVersion { get; } Gets the ExifVersion.
ExposureBiasValue { get; } Gets the Exposure bias.
ExposureIndex { get; } Gets the Exposure index.
ExposureMode { get; } Gets the Exposure mode.
ExposureProgram { get; } Gets the Exposure program.
ExposureTime { get; } Gets the Exposure time.
FileSource { get; } Gets the File source.
Flash { get; } Gets the Flash.
FlashEnergy { get; } Gets the Flash energy.
FlashpixVersion { get; } Gets the Temperature.
FNumber { get; } Gets the F number.
FocalLength { get; } Gets the Lens focal length.
FocalLengthIn35mmFilm { get; } Gets the Focal length in 35 mm film.
FocalPlaneResolutionUnit { get; } Gets the Focal plane resolution unit.
FocalPlaneXResolution { get; } Gets Focal plane X resolution.
FocalPlaneYResolution { get; } Gets the Focal plane Y resolution.
GainControl { get; } Gets the Gain control.
Gamma { get; } Gets the Gamma.
Humidity { get; } Gets the Humidity.
ImageUniqueID { get; } Gets the Unique image ID.
InteroperabilityIFDPointer { get; } Gets the Interoperability tag (Interoperability IFD Pointer).
InteroperabilityIFDPointerPackage { get; } Gets the Interoperability tag (Interoperability IFD Pointer).
ISOSpeed { get; } Gets the ISO Speed.
ISOSpeedLatitudeyyy { get; } Gets the ISO Speed Latitude yyy.
ISOSpeedLatitudezzz { get; } Gets the ISO Speed Latitude zzz.
Item { get; } Gets the Raw tag with the specified id. (2 indexers)
Keys { get; } Gets a collection of the metadata property names.
LensMake { get; } Gets the Lens Make.
LensModel { get; } Gets the Lens Model.
LensSerialNumber { get; } Gets the Lens Serial Number.
LensSpecification { get; } Gets the Lens Specification.
LightSource { get; } Gets the Light source.
MakerNote { get; } Gets the Standard Output Sensitivity.
MaxApertureValue { get; } Gets the Maximum lens aperture.
MetadataType { get; } Gets the metadata type.
MeteringMode { get; } Gets the Metering mode.
OECF { get; } Gets the Optoelectric conversion factor.
OffsetTime { get; } Gets the Offset data of DateTime.
OffsetTimeDigitized { get; } Gets the Offset data of DateTimeDigitized.
OffsetTimeOriginal { get; } Gets the Offset data of DateTimeOriginal.
PhotographicSensitivity { get; } Gets the Photographic Sensitivity.
PixelXDimension { get; } Gets the Valid image width.
PixelYDimension { get; } Gets the Valid image height.
Pressure { get; } Gets the Pressure.
PropertyDescriptors { get; } Gets a collection of descriptors that contain information about properties accessible through the GroupDocs.Metadata search engine.
virtual RawMakerNotePackage { get; } Gets the Manufacturer notes (MakerNote).
RecommendedExposureIndex { get; } Gets the Recommended ExposureIndexs.
RelatedSoundFile { get; } Gets the Related audio file.
Saturation { get; } Gets the Saturation.
SceneCaptureType { get; } Gets the Scene capture type.
SceneType { get; } Gets the Scene Type.
SensingMethod { get; } Gets the Sensing method.
SensitivityType { get; } Gets the Sensitivity Type.
Sharpness { get; } Gets the Sharpness.
ShutterSpeedValue { get; } Gets the Shutter speed.
SourceExposureTimesOfCompositeImage { get; } Gets the Source exposure times of composite image.
SourceImageNumberOfCompositeImage { get; } Gets the Source image number of composite image.
SpatialFrequencyResponse { get; } Gets the Spatial frequency response.
SpectralSensitivity { get; } Gets the Spectral sensitivity.
StandardOutputSensitivity { get; } Gets the Standard Output Sensitivity.
SubjectArea { get; } Gets the Subject area.
SubjectDistance { get; } Gets the Subject distance.
SubjectDistanceRange { get; } Gets the Subject distance range.
SubjectLocation { get; } Gets the Subject location.
SubSecTime { get; } Gets the DateTime subseconds.
SubSecTimeDigitized { get; } Gets the DateTimeDigitized subseconds.
SubSecTimeOriginal { get; } Gets the DateTimeOriginal subseconds.
Temperature { get; } Gets the Temperature.
UserComment { get; } Gets the User comments.
WaterDepth { get; } Gets the WaterDepth.
WhiteBalance { get; } Gets the White balance.


Name Description
virtual AddProperties(Func<MetadataProperty, bool>, PropertyValue) Adds known metadata properties satisfying the specified predicate. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well.
Clear() Removes all Raw tags stored in the package.
Contains(string) Determines whether the package contains a metadata property with the specified name.
virtual FindProperties(Func<MetadataProperty, bool>) Finds the metadata properties satisfying the specified predicate. The search is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well.
GetEnumerator() Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
Remove(uint) Removes the property with the specified id.
virtual RemoveProperties(Func<MetadataProperty, bool>) Removes metadata properties satisfying the specified predicate.
virtual Sanitize() Removes writable metadata properties from the package. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well.
Set(RawTag) Adds or replaces the specified tag.
virtual SetProperties(Func<MetadataProperty, bool>, PropertyValue) Sets known metadata properties satisfying the specified predicate. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well. This method is a combination of AddProperties and UpdateProperties. If an existing property satisfies the predicate its value is updated. If there is a known property missing in the package that satisfies the predicate it is added to the package.
ToList() Creates a list from the package.
virtual UpdateProperties(Func<MetadataProperty, bool>, PropertyValue) Updates known metadata properties satisfying the specified predicate. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well.

See Also