
ID3V1Genre enumeration

Specifies genres used in an Id3v1 tag.

public enum ID3V1Genre : byte


Name Value Description
Blues 0 Represents the Blues genre.
ClassicRock 1 Represents the Classic Rock genre.
Country 2 Represents the Country genre.
Dance 3 Represents the Dance genre.
Disco 4 Represents the Disco genre.
Funk 5 Represents the Funk genre.
Grunge 6 Represents the Grunge genre.
HipHop 7 Represents the Hip-Hop genre.
Jazz 8 Represents the Jazz genre.
Metal 9 Represents the Metal genre.
NewAge 10 Represents the New Age genre.
Oldies 11 Represents the Oldies genre.
Other 12 Represents the Other genre.
Pop 13 Represents the Pop genre.
RhythmAndBlues 14 Represents the Rhythm and Blues genre.
Rap 15 Represents the Rap genre.
Reggae 16 Represents the Reggae genre.
Rock 17 Represents the Rock genre.
Techno 18 Represents the Techno genre.
Industrial 19 Represents the Industrial genre.
Alternative 20 Represents the Alternative genre.
Ska 21 Represents the Ska genre.
DeathMetal 22 Represents the Death Metal genre.
Pranks 23 Represents the Pranks genre.
Soundtrack 24 Represents the Soundtrack genre.
EuroTechno 25 Represents the Euro-Techno genre.
Ambient 26 Represents the Ambient genre.
TripHop 27 Represents the Trip-Hop genre.
Vocal 28 Represents the Vocal genre.
JazzAndFunk 29 Represents the JazzAndFunk genre.
Fusion 30 Represents the Fusion genre.
Trance 31 Represents the Trance genre.
Classical 32 Represents the Classical genre.
Instrumental 33 Represents the Instrumental genre.
Acid 34 Represents the Acid genre.
House 35 Represents the House genre.
Game 36 Represents the Game genre.
SoundClip 37 Represents the Sound Clip genre.
Gospel 38 Represents the Gospel genre.
Noise 39 Represents the Noise genre.
AlternativeRock 40 Represents the Alternative Rock genre.
Bass 41 Represents the Bass genre.
Soul 42 Represents the Soul genre.
Punk 43 Represents the Punk genre.
Space 44 Represents the Space genre.
Meditative 45 Represents the Meditative genre.
InstrumentalPop 46 Represents the Instrumental Pop genre.
InstrumentalRock 47 Represents the Instrumental Rock genre.
Ethnic 48 Represents the Ethnic genre.
Gothic 49 Represents the Gothic genre.
Darkwave 50 Represents the Darkwave genre.
TechnoIndustrial 51 Represents the Techno-Industrial genre.
Electronic 52 Represents the Electronic genre.
PopFolk 53 Represents the Pop-Folk genre.
Eurodance 54 Represents the Eurodance genre.
Dream 55 Represents the Dream genre.
SouthernRock 56 Represents the Southern Rock genre.
Comedy 57 Represents the Comedy genre.
Cult 58 Represents the Cult genre.
Gangsta 59 Represents the Gangsta genre.
Top40 60 Represents the Top 40 genre.
ChristianRap 61 Represents the Christian Rap genre.
PopFunk 62 Represents the Pop/Funk genre.
Jungle 63 Represents the Jungle genre.
NativeAmerican 64 Represents the Native American genre.
Cabaret 65 Represents the Cabaret genre.
NewWave 66 Represents the New Wave genre.
Psychedelic 67 Represents the Psychedelic genre.
Rave 68 Represents the Rave genre.
Showtunes 69 Represents the Showtunes genre.
Trailer 70 Represents the Trailer genre.
LoFi 71 Represents the Lo-Fi genre.
Tribal 72 Represents the Tribal genre.
AcidPunk 73 Represents the Acid Punk genre.
AcidJazz 74 Represents the Acid Jazz genre.
Polka 75 Represents the Polka genre.
Retro 76 Represents the Retro genre.
Musical 77 Represents the Musical genre.
RockNRoll 78 Represents the Rock ’n’ Roll genre.
HardRock 79 Represents the Hard Rock genre.

See Also