
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public class ImportManager

Provides a row of methods allowing the user to export metadata properties to various formats.


Constructor Description
ImportManager(RootMetadataPackage rootMetadataPackage) Initializes a new instance of the ImportManager class.


Method Description
import_(String filePath, int format, ImportOptions importOptions) Exports the metadata properties to a file.
import_(InputStream stream, int format, ImportOptions importOptions) Exports the metadata properties to a file.

ImportManager(RootMetadataPackage rootMetadataPackage)

public ImportManager(RootMetadataPackage rootMetadataPackage)

Initializes a new instance of the ImportManager class.


Parameter Type Description
rootMetadataPackage RootMetadataPackage A collection of metadata properties where the import will be performed..

import_(String filePath, int format, ImportOptions importOptions)

public final void import_(String filePath, int format, ImportOptions importOptions)

Exports the metadata properties to a file.


Parameter Type Description
filePath java.lang.String The full name of the input file.
format int The format of the input file.
importOptions ImportOptions Additional options to use when importing.

import_(InputStream stream, int format, ImportOptions importOptions)

public final void import_(InputStream stream, int format, ImportOptions importOptions)

Exports the metadata properties to a file.


Parameter Type Description
stream The filestream of the input file.
format int The format of the input file.
importOptions ImportOptions Additional options to use when importing.