
Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.groupdocs.metadata.export.ExportOptions

public class ExcelExportOptions extends ExportOptions

Creates an export options of excel file.


Constructor Description
ExcelExportOptions() Initializes a new instance of the ExcelExportOptions class.
ExcelExportOptions(boolean groupCells) Initializes a new instance of the ExcelExportOptions class.


Method Description
getGroupCells() This flag determines whether it is necessary to group rows when exporting to Excel format
setGroupCells(boolean value) This flag determines whether it is necessary to group rows when exporting to Excel format


public ExcelExportOptions()

Initializes a new instance of the ExcelExportOptions class.

ExcelExportOptions(boolean groupCells)

public ExcelExportOptions(boolean groupCells)

Initializes a new instance of the ExcelExportOptions class.


Parameter Type Description
groupCells boolean Group flag.


public final boolean getGroupCells()

This flag determines whether it is necessary to group rows when exporting to Excel format

Value: If the flag is true, the lines will be grouped, otherwise not

Returns: boolean

setGroupCells(boolean value)

public final void setGroupCells(boolean value)

This flag determines whether it is necessary to group rows when exporting to Excel format

Value: If the flag is true, the lines will be grouped, otherwise not


Parameter Type Description
value boolean