

Saves this HTML document to the file on specified path, where HTML markup will be stored, and to the accompanying folder with resources.

public void Save(string htmlFilePath)
Parameter Type Description
htmlFilePath String Full path to the file, where HTML markup will be stored. File will be created or overwritten, if exists. Accompanying resource folder will be created in the same folder, where HTML file exist.

See Also

Save(string, string)

Saves this HTML document to the file on specified path, where HTML markup will be stored, and to the accompanying folder with resources, which is located on specified path.

public void Save(string htmlFilePath, string resourcesFolderPath)
Parameter Type Description
htmlFilePath String Full path to the file, where HTML markup will be stored. Cannot be NULL or empty. File will be created or overwritten, if exists.
resourcesFolderPath String Full path to the accompanying folder, where all related resources will be stored. If NULL or empty, folder will be created automatically in the same directory, where *.html file. If specified and not exists, will be created.

See Also

Save(TextWriter, HtmlSaveOptions)

Saves the content of this EditableDocument as the HTML document to the specified text writer, while the second options parameter allows to customize the saving procedure and resource saving callback

public void Save(TextWriter htmlMarkup, HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions)
Parameter Type Description
htmlMarkup TextWriter Implementation of the text writer, into which the HTML markup will be written. Can not be null.
saveOptions HtmlSaveOptions HTML save options, that control the saving procedure: how and where will be saved CSS, resources, tag names and quote types.

See Also