
XmlFormatOptions class

Contains options, that allow to adjust the formatting of XML document, when it is represented as HTML

public sealed class XmlFormatOptions : IEditOptions


Name Description
EachAttributeFromNewline { get; set; } When enabled, each and every pair of attribute-value in every XML element will be placed on a new line. By default is false (disabled) — all attribute-value pairs are placed in a single line.
IsDefault { get; } Indicates whether this instance of XML formatting options has a default value
LeafTextNodesOnNewline { get; set; } When enabled, leaf text nodes (textual content inside XML elements, that has no children) will be rendered on a new line with bigger left indent. By default is false (disabled) — leaf text nodes are placed on the same line as their parents, without new indent.
LeftIndent { get; set; } Allows to specify an offset for the left indent of every new line. Cannot be a unitless non-zero value. By default is 10pt

See Also