
FontSize structure

Represents a font size as a special unit or a length value, which specifies the size of the font (historically the width of the capital “M”).

public struct FontSize : IEquatable<FontSize>


Name Description
IsAbsoluteSize { get; } Indicates whether this font-size is defined with an absolute size as a keyword, based on the user’s default font size (which is medium)
IsInitial { get; } Indicates whether this font-size has an initial value (Medium)
IsLengthDefined { get; } Indicates whether this font-size is defined with a Length value
IsRelativeSize { get; } Indicates whether this font-size is defined with an relative size as a keyword. The font will be larger or smaller relative to the parent element’s font size, roughly by the ratio used to separate the absolute-size keywords.
Length { get; } A length value, if this font-size was defined with it, or throwed exception otherwise
Value { get; } Returns a value of this font size as a string


Name Description
static FromLength(Length) Creates a font-size from specified length
Equals(FontSize) Determines whether this font-size instance is equal to specified
override Equals(object) Determines whether this font-size instance is equal to specified uncasted
override GetHashCode() Returns a hash-code for this instance
static TryParse(string, out FontSize) Tries to recognize a specified keyword as a proper keyword value of the ‘font-size’ and return it on success or NULL on failure.
operator == Checks whether two “FontSize” values are equal
operator != Checks whether two “FontSize” values are not equal


Name Description
static readonly Large The normally large absolute-size
static readonly Larger Larger relative-size - font will be larger relative to the parent element’s font-size, roughly by the ratio used to separate the absolute-size keywords above.
static readonly Medium Medium size. Initial value.
static readonly Small The normally small absolute-size
static readonly Smaller Smaller relative-size - font will be smaller relative to the parent element’s font-size, roughly by the ratio used to separate the absolute-size keywords above.
static readonly XLarge The mediocre large absolute-size
static readonly XSmall The mediocre small absolute-size
static readonly XxLarge The very large absolute-size
static readonly XxSmall The very small absolute-size

See Also