
FormatFamilyBase class

Represents the base class for format families, providing common functionality for format family instances.

public abstract class FormatFamilyBase : IEquatable<FormatFamilyBase>


Name Description
Id { get; } Gets the unique identifier for the format family.
Name { get; } Gets the name of the format family.


Name Description
Equals(FormatFamilyBase) Determines whether this instance is equal to the specified FormatFamilyBase instance.
override Equals(object) Determines whether this instance is equal to the specified FormatFamilyBase instance.
override GetHashCode() Returns a hash code for the current object.
override ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object.
static FromName<T>(string) Retrieves an instance of the specified type T that has the specified name.
static FromValue<T>(int) Retrieves an instance of the specified type T that has the specified identifier.
static GetAll<T>() Retrieves all instances of the specified type T that derive from FormatFamilyBase.
operator == Determines whether two FormatFamilyBase instances are equal. (2 operators)
explicit operator Converts a string representing a format family name to a FormatFamilyBase object. (2 operators)
implicit operator Converts a FormatFamilyBase instance to an integer implicitly. (2 operators)
operator != Determines whether two FormatFamilyBase instances are not equal. (2 operators)


This class is abstract and must be inherited by a derived class that specifies the actual format family details.

See Also