
All Implemented Interfaces: com.groupdocs.editor.htmlcss.resources.IAuxDisposable

public interface IHtmlResource extends IAuxDisposable

Represents one instance of the unknown HTML resource (raster or vector image, stylesheet, font, text resource (CSS, XML) etc.)


Method Description
getName() Name of the HTML resource
getFilenameWithExtension() Correct filename of the specified resource with appropriate file extension
getType() Type of the HTML resource
getByteContent() Content of the HTML resource in a form of a byte stream
getTextContent() Content of the HTML resource in a form of a base64-encoded text string for binary resources or a simple text for textual resources
save(String fullPathToFile) Saves a current resource to the specified file


public abstract String getName()

Name of the HTML resource

Returns: java.lang.String -


public abstract String getFilenameWithExtension()

Correct filename of the specified resource with appropriate file extension

Returns: java.lang.String -


public abstract IResourceType getType()

Type of the HTML resource

Returns: IResourceType -


public abstract InputStream getByteContent()

Content of the HTML resource in a form of a byte stream

Returns: java.io.InputStream


public abstract String getTextContent()

Content of the HTML resource in a form of a base64-encoded text string for binary resources or a simple text for textual resources

Returns: java.lang.String

save(String fullPathToFile)

public abstract void save(String fullPathToFile)

Saves a current resource to the specified file


Parameter Type Description
fullPathToFile java.lang.String Full path to the file, which will be created or rewritten with the content of a current resource