
The com.groupdocs.editor.htmlcss.resources.images.raster namespace provides classes that represent only raster image resources.


Class Description
BmpImage Represents one image in BMP (BitMap Picture) format with its metadata and additional methods
GifImage Represents one image in GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) format with its metadata and additional methods
IconImage Represents one image in ICON format with its metadata and additional methods
JpegImage Represents one image in JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format with its metadata and additional methods
PngImage Represents one image in PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format with its metadata and additional methods
RasterImageResourceBase Base class for any supported raster image with fixed name, dimensions, aspect ratio, type, size, and content.
TiffImage Represents one image in TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) format with its metadata and additional methods