
Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.groupdocs.conversion.contracts.ValueObject, com.groupdocs.conversion.options.load.LoadOptions

All Implemented Interfaces: java.io.Serializable, com.groupdocs.conversion.options.load.IResourceLoadingOptions

public class WordProcessingLoadOptions extends LoadOptions implements Serializable, IResourceLoadingOptions

Options for loading WordProcessing documents.


Constructor Description
WordProcessingLoadOptions() Initializes new instance of WordProcessingLoadOptions class.


Method Description
getDefaultFont() Default font for Words document.
setDefaultFont(String value) Default font for Words document.
getAutoFontSubstitution() If AutoFontSubstitution is disabled, GroupDocs.Conversion uses the DefaultFont for the substitution of missing fonts.
setAutoFontSubstitution(boolean value) If AutoFontSubstitution is disabled, GroupDocs.Conversion uses the DefaultFont for the substitution of missing fonts.
getFontSubstitutes() Substitute specific fonts when converting Words document.
isEmbedTrueTypeFonts() If EmbedTrueTypeFonts is true, GroupDocs.Conversion embed true type fonts in the output document.
setEmbedTrueTypeFonts(boolean embedTrueTypeFonts)
isUpdatePageLayout() Update page layout after loading.
setUpdatePageLayout(boolean updatePageLayout)
isUpdateFields() Update fields after loading.
setUpdateFields(boolean updateFields)
isKeepDateFieldOriginalValue() Keep original value of date field.
setKeepDateFieldOriginalValue(boolean keepDateFieldOriginalValue) Sets Keep original value of date field.
setFontSubstitutes(List value) Substitute specific fonts when converting Words document.
getPassword() Set password to unprotect protected document.
setPassword(String value) Set password to unprotect protected document.
getHideWordTrackedChanges() Hide markup and track changes for Word documents.
setHideWordTrackedChanges(boolean value) Hide markup and track changes for Word documents.
getHideComments() Hide comments.
setHideComments(boolean value) Hide comments.
getBookmarkOptions() Bookmarks options
setBookmarkOptions(WordProcessingBookmarksOptions value) Bookmarks options
isPreserveFontFields() Specifies whether to preserve Microsoft Word form fields as form fields in PDF or convert them to text.
setPreserveFontFields(boolean preserveFontFields) Sets preserveFontFields flag
isUseTextShaper() Specifies whether to use a text shaper for better kerning display.
setUseTextShaper(boolean isUseTextShaper) Specifies whether to use a text shaper for better kerning display.
isPreserveDocumentStructure() Determines whether the document structure should be preserved when converting to PDF (default is false).
setPreserveDocumentStructure(boolean preserveDocumentStructure)
getSkipExternalResources() {@inheritDoc}
setSkipExternalResources(boolean skip) {@inheritDoc}
getWhitelistedResources() {@inheritDoc}
setWhitelistedResources(List whiteList) {@inheritDoc}


public WordProcessingLoadOptions()

Initializes new instance of WordProcessingLoadOptions class.


public final WordProcessingFileType getFormat()

Input document file type

Returns: WordProcessingFileType


public final String getDefaultFont()

Default font for Words document. The following font will be used if a font is missing.

Returns: java.lang.String

setDefaultFont(String value)

public final void setDefaultFont(String value)

Default font for Words document. The following font will be used if a font is missing.


Parameter Type Description
value java.lang.String


public final boolean getAutoFontSubstitution()

If AutoFontSubstitution is disabled, GroupDocs.Conversion uses the DefaultFont for the substitution of missing fonts. If AutoFontSubstitution is enabled, GroupDocs.Conversion evaluates all the related fields in FontInfo (Panose, Sig etc) for the missing font and finds the closest match among the available font sources. Note that font substitution mechanism will override the DefaultFont in cases when FontInfo for the missing font is available in the document. The default value is True.

Returns: boolean

setAutoFontSubstitution(boolean value)

public final void setAutoFontSubstitution(boolean value)

If AutoFontSubstitution is disabled, GroupDocs.Conversion uses the DefaultFont for the substitution of missing fonts. If AutoFontSubstitution is enabled, GroupDocs.Conversion evaluates all the related fields in FontInfo (Panose, Sig etc) for the missing font and finds the closest match among the available font sources. Note that font substitution mechanism will override the DefaultFont in cases when FontInfo for the missing font is available in the document. The default value is True.


Parameter Type Description
value boolean


public final List<FontSubstitute> getFontSubstitutes()

Substitute specific fonts when converting Words document.

Returns: java.util.List<com.groupdocs.conversion.contracts.FontSubstitute>


public boolean isEmbedTrueTypeFonts()

If EmbedTrueTypeFonts is true, GroupDocs.Conversion embed true type fonts in the output document. Default: false

Returns: boolean

setEmbedTrueTypeFonts(boolean embedTrueTypeFonts)

public void setEmbedTrueTypeFonts(boolean embedTrueTypeFonts)


Parameter Type Description
embedTrueTypeFonts boolean


public boolean isUpdatePageLayout()

Update page layout after loading. Default: false

Returns: boolean

setUpdatePageLayout(boolean updatePageLayout)

public void setUpdatePageLayout(boolean updatePageLayout)


Parameter Type Description
updatePageLayout boolean


public boolean isUpdateFields()

Update fields after loading. Default: false

Returns: boolean

setUpdateFields(boolean updateFields)

public void setUpdateFields(boolean updateFields)


Parameter Type Description
updateFields boolean


public boolean isKeepDateFieldOriginalValue()

Keep original value of date field. Default: false

Returns: boolean

setKeepDateFieldOriginalValue(boolean keepDateFieldOriginalValue)

public void setKeepDateFieldOriginalValue(boolean keepDateFieldOriginalValue)

Sets Keep original value of date field.


Parameter Type Description
keepDateFieldOriginalValue boolean

setFontSubstitutes(List value)

public final void setFontSubstitutes(List<FontSubstitute> value)

Substitute specific fonts when converting Words document.


Parameter Type Description
value java.util.List<com.groupdocs.conversion.contracts.FontSubstitute>


public final String getPassword()

Set password to unprotect protected document.

Returns: java.lang.String

setPassword(String value)

public final void setPassword(String value)

Set password to unprotect protected document.


Parameter Type Description
value java.lang.String


public final boolean getHideWordTrackedChanges()

Hide markup and track changes for Word documents.

Returns: boolean

setHideWordTrackedChanges(boolean value)

public final void setHideWordTrackedChanges(boolean value)

Hide markup and track changes for Word documents.


Parameter Type Description
value boolean


public final boolean getHideComments()

Hide comments.

Returns: boolean

setHideComments(boolean value)

public final void setHideComments(boolean value)

Hide comments.


Parameter Type Description
value boolean


public final WordProcessingBookmarksOptions getBookmarkOptions()

Bookmarks options

Returns: WordProcessingBookmarksOptions

setBookmarkOptions(WordProcessingBookmarksOptions value)

public final void setBookmarkOptions(WordProcessingBookmarksOptions value)

Bookmarks options


Parameter Type Description
value WordProcessingBookmarksOptions


public boolean isPreserveFontFields()

Specifies whether to preserve Microsoft Word form fields as form fields in PDF or convert them to text. Default is false.

Returns: boolean - preserveFontFields flag

setPreserveFontFields(boolean preserveFontFields)

public void setPreserveFontFields(boolean preserveFontFields)

Sets preserveFontFields flag


Parameter Type Description
preserveFontFields boolean preserve Microsoft Word form fields as form fields in PDF or convert them to text


public boolean isUseTextShaper()

Specifies whether to use a text shaper for better kerning display. Default is false.

Returns: boolean

setUseTextShaper(boolean isUseTextShaper)

public void setUseTextShaper(boolean isUseTextShaper)

Specifies whether to use a text shaper for better kerning display. Default is false.


Parameter Type Description
isUseTextShaper boolean isUseTextShaper flag


public boolean isPreserveDocumentStructure()

Determines whether the document structure should be preserved when converting to PDF (default is false). Note that exporting the document structure significantly increases the memory consumption, especially for the large documents.

Returns: boolean

setPreserveDocumentStructure(boolean preserveDocumentStructure)

public void setPreserveDocumentStructure(boolean preserveDocumentStructure)


Parameter Type Description
preserveDocumentStructure boolean


public boolean getSkipExternalResources()

If true all external resource will not be loading with exception of the resources in the

Returns: boolean

setSkipExternalResources(boolean skip)

public void setSkipExternalResources(boolean skip)


Parameter Type Description
skip boolean


public List<String> getWhitelistedResources()

External resources that will be always loaded

Returns: java.util.List<java.lang.String>

setWhitelistedResources(List whiteList)

public void setWhitelistedResources(List<String> whiteList)


Parameter Type Description
whiteList java.util.List<java.lang.String>