
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public class TextFragment

Represents a part of recognized text (word, symbol, etc), extracted by OCR engine.


Constructor Description
TextFragment(String text, Rectangle rectangle) Initializes a new instance of the recognized text fragment.


Method Description
getText() Gets a textual content of the recognized text fragment.
getRectangle() Gets a bounding rectangle of the recognized text fragment.

TextFragment(String text, Rectangle rectangle)

public TextFragment(String text, Rectangle rectangle)

Initializes a new instance of the recognized text fragment.


Parameter Type Description
text java.lang.String textual content of the recognized text fragment
rectangle java.awt.Rectangle bounding rectangle of the recognized text fragment


public String getText()

Gets a textual content of the recognized text fragment.

Returns: java.lang.String


public Rectangle getRectangle()

Gets a bounding rectangle of the recognized text fragment.

Returns: java.awt.Rectangle