
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public class ApplyChangeOptions

Allows updating the list of changes before applying them to the resulting document.

Example usage:

 try (Comparer comparer = new Comparer(sourceFile)) {
     ChangeInfo[] changes = comparer.getChanges();

     final ApplyChangeOptions applyChangeOptions = new ApplyChangeOptions(changes);

     comparer.applyChanges(resultFile, applyChangeOptions);


Constructor Description
ApplyChangeOptions() Initializes a new instance of the ApplyChangeOptions class.
ApplyChangeOptions(List changes) Initializes a new instance of the ApplyChangeOptions class with list of changes.
ApplyChangeOptions(ChangeInfo[] changes) Initializes a new instance of the ApplyChangeOptions class with array of changes.


Method Description
getChanges() Gets an array of changes that must be applied to the resulting document.
setChanges(ChangeInfo[] value) Sets an array of changes that must be applied to the resulting document.
setChanges(List value) Sets a list of changes that must be applied to the resulting document.
isSaveOriginalState() Gets a flag that determines is original state should be saved.
setSaveOriginalState(boolean saveOriginalState) Sets a flag that determines is original state should be saved.


public ApplyChangeOptions()

Initializes a new instance of the ApplyChangeOptions class.

ApplyChangeOptions(List changes)

public ApplyChangeOptions(List<ChangeInfo> changes)

Initializes a new instance of the ApplyChangeOptions class with list of changes.


Parameter Type Description
changes java.util.List<com.groupdocs.comparison.result.ChangeInfo> The list of changes to be applied

ApplyChangeOptions(ChangeInfo[] changes)

public ApplyChangeOptions(ChangeInfo[] changes)

Initializes a new instance of the ApplyChangeOptions class with array of changes.


Parameter Type Description
changes ChangeInfo[] The list of changes to be applied


public final ChangeInfo[] getChanges()

Gets an array of changes that must be applied to the resulting document.

Returns: com.groupdocs.comparison.result.ChangeInfo[] - the array of changes to be applied

setChanges(ChangeInfo[] value)

public final void setChanges(ChangeInfo[] value)

Sets an array of changes that must be applied to the resulting document.


Parameter Type Description
value ChangeInfo[] The array of changes to be applied

setChanges(List value)

public final void setChanges(List<ChangeInfo> value)

Sets a list of changes that must be applied to the resulting document.


Parameter Type Description
value java.util.List<com.groupdocs.comparison.result.ChangeInfo> The list of changes to be applied


public boolean isSaveOriginalState()

Gets a flag that determines is original state should be saved. Default value: false.

Returns: boolean - true if original state should be saved, otherwise false

setSaveOriginalState(boolean saveOriginalState)

public void setSaveOriginalState(boolean saveOriginalState)

Sets a flag that determines is original state should be saved.


Parameter Type Description
saveOriginalState boolean True if original state should be saved, otherwise false