
Provides classes for accessing data of external documents to be used while assembling a document.


Class Description
CsvDataLoadOptions Represents options for parsing CSV data.
CsvDataSource Provides access to data of a CSV file or stream to be used while assembling a document.
DocumentTable Provides access to data of a single table (or spreadsheet) located in an external document to be used while assembling a document.
DocumentTableCollection Represents a read-only collection of DocumentTable objects of a particular DocumentTableSet instance.
DocumentTableColumn Represents a single column of a particular DocumentTable object.
DocumentTableColumnCollection Represents a read-only collection of DocumentTableColumn objects of a particular DocumentTable instance.
DocumentTableLoadArgs Provides data for the Handle method.
DocumentTableOptions Provides a set of options to control extraction of data from a document table.
DocumentTableRelation Represents a parent-child relationship between two DocumentTable objects.
DocumentTableRelationCollection Represents the collection of DocumentTableRelation objects of a single DocumentTableSet instance.
DocumentTableSet Provides access to data of multiple tables (or spreadsheets) located in an external document to be used while assembling a document. Also, enables to define parent-child relations for the document tables thus simplifying access to related data within template documents.
JsonDataLoadOptions Represents options for parsing JSON data.
JsonDataSource Provides access to data of a JSON file or stream to be used while assembling a document.
XmlDataLoadOptions Represents options for XML data loading.
XmlDataSource Provides access to data of an XML file or stream to be used while assembling a document.


Interface Description
IDocumentTableLoadHandler Overrides default loading of DocumentTable objects while creating a DocumentTableSet instance.


Enumeration Description
JsonSimpleValueParseMode Specifies a mode for parsing JSON simple values (null, boolean, number, integer, and string) while loading JSON. Such a mode does not affect parsing of date-time values.