
Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.groupdocs.annotation.models.annotationmodels.AnnotationBase

All Implemented Interfaces: com.groupdocs.annotation.models.annotationmodels.interfaces.annotations.ISearchTextFragment

public class SearchTextFragment extends AnnotationBase implements ISearchTextFragment

Represents Search Text annotation properties


Constructor Description
SearchTextFragment() Initializes new instance of SearchTextFragment class.


Method Description
getBackgroundColor() Gets or sets annotation background color
setBackgroundColor(Integer value) Gets or sets annotation background color
getText() Gets or sets text
setText(String value) Gets or sets text
getFontColor() Gets or sets annotation text font color
setFontColor(Integer value) Gets or sets annotation text font color
getFontFamily() Gets or sets annotation text font family
setFontFamily(String value) Gets or sets annotation text font family
getFontSize() Gets or sets annotation text font size
setFontSize(Double value) Gets or sets annotation text font size
equals(SearchTextFragment other) Compares Search Text Annotations using IEquatable Equals method
equals(Object o) Compares Search Text Annotations using standard object Equals method
hashCode() Returns HashCode of Search Text Annotation
deepClone() Returns new Instance with same values
toString(ToStringStyle toStringStyle)


public SearchTextFragment()

Initializes new instance of SearchTextFragment class.


public final Integer getBackgroundColor()

Gets or sets annotation background color

Returns: java.lang.Integer

setBackgroundColor(Integer value)

public final void setBackgroundColor(Integer value)

Gets or sets annotation background color


Parameter Type Description
value java.lang.Integer


public final String getText()

Gets or sets text

Returns: java.lang.String -

setText(String value)

public final void setText(String value)

Gets or sets text


Parameter Type Description
value java.lang.String


public final Integer getFontColor()

Gets or sets annotation text font color

Returns: java.lang.Integer -

setFontColor(Integer value)

public final void setFontColor(Integer value)

Gets or sets annotation text font color


Parameter Type Description
value java.lang.Integer


public final String getFontFamily()

Gets or sets annotation text font family

Returns: java.lang.String -

setFontFamily(String value)

public final void setFontFamily(String value)

Gets or sets annotation text font family


Parameter Type Description
value java.lang.String


public final Double getFontSize()

Gets or sets annotation text font size

Returns: java.lang.Double -

setFontSize(Double value)

public final void setFontSize(Double value)

Gets or sets annotation text font size


Parameter Type Description
value java.lang.Double

equals(SearchTextFragment other)

public final boolean equals(SearchTextFragment other)

Compares Search Text Annotations using IEquatable Equals method


Parameter Type Description
other SearchTextFragment The SearchTextFragment object to compare with the current object

Returns: boolean

equals(Object o)

public boolean equals(Object o)

Compares Search Text Annotations using standard object Equals method


Parameter Type Description
o java.lang.Object The object to compare with the current object

Returns: boolean


public int hashCode()

Returns HashCode of Search Text Annotation

Returns: int


public Object deepClone()

Returns new Instance with same values

Returns: java.lang.Object


public String toString()

Returns: java.lang.String

toString(ToStringStyle toStringStyle)

public String toString(ToStringStyle toStringStyle)


Parameter Type Description
toStringStyle org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringStyle

Returns: java.lang.String